Intro to R special topics: Super basic intro

We’re going to be making use of the fantastic course materials from Jenny Bryan’s UBC stats course. On Tuesday, 12 April, we’ll be walking through day 1, possibly day 2, and almost maybe day 3. This is going to be very self-paced, with lots of support from more experienced R users, so come prepared to work.

We’re thinking it’s going to be like doing homework during class time — there won’t be any lecture, but click through the lecture slides for the class before hand. What we don’t get to this week, we’ll continue to help you step through. Keep in mind we’re skipping stuff related to git, but if you’re interested, some of us would be happy to help you get set up with it.

If you want to get help setting this stuff up on your computer, bring it. Otherwise, R and R Studio are installed on lab computers, and if you use those, just make sure you have a way to save your files someplace you can access them later (like google drive).

Here’s a tentative outline of the first three modules:

After we get through this stuff, you’ll be able to open R Studio, write some stuff in it, execute it, and compile it into a nice looking html or pdf document. We’ll then move on to data!

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