Curriculum Vitae

Rachel Drummond 

American English Institute

Agate Hall

1787 Agate Street

Eugene, OR 97403-5212



Masters of Education, December 2005

Major: Teaching & Learning – Content areas: Middle & Secondary Spanish and ESOL

University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon

Bachelor of Arts, September 2003

Major: Spanish

University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon


University of Oregon – ESOL Instructor        

September 2012 – Present

American English Institute – Eugene, Oregon

Full-time teaching: 12 contact hours per week

Taught Academic English for International Students (AEIS) matriculated courses in listening and speaking, reading, and writing

Taught reading, writing, and grammar in the Intensive English Program (IEP) at a variety of proficiency levels

Researched, designed, and taught a new listening and speaking course for graduate school-bound students in the IEP

Designed and taught a cross-cultural communication course for a group of students from Basrah University in Iraq, and Nippon Sports Science University in Japan

Taught Internet-based TOEFL and Project-Based Learning electives in the IEP

Guest moderated in AEI eLearning courses: Web Skills and TESOL Methods

University of Oregon – Adjunct ESOL Instructor  

April 2006 – June 2012

American English Institute – Eugene, Oregon

Full-time teaching: 18 contact hours per week

Taught reading, writing, and grammar and listening and speaking in Intensive English Program (IEP) at a variety of proficiency levels

Taught IEP elective courses: English for Business and Experience Eugene

Served as a Lead Teacher in the IEP for groups of 4 – 10 instructors

Taught matriculated Academic English for International Students (AEIS) writing courses

Co-taught a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) course for graduate students in the Language Teaching Specialization program

Served as a primary advisor for language teaching graduate students’ final projects

Participated in a needs analysis research project with other teaching faculty members to assess international students’ listening and speaking needs

International University of Japan – Visiting Professor          

July – September 2011-2012 Intensive English Program – Niigata, Japan 2014-2016

Full-time teaching: 16 contact hours of teaching per week

Taught oral communication and listening skills

Organized and taught yoga and dance fitness classes to IEP students and faculty

Interacted and lived on campus with a diverse array of students from Japan and also from developing Asian countries

University of Oregon – Middle/Secondary Student Teacher           September 2004 – College of Education – Eugene, OR December 2005

Served as a partial and full time Spanish and ESOL instructor

Taught middle and high school students

Collaborated with a cooperating teacher and a content advisor

Reflected regularly on my daily teaching practices

Planned lessons and incorporated required textbooks

Designed lessons and applied best K-12 language instruction teaching practices


University of Oregon       April 2006 – Present

American English Institute – Eugene, Oregon

Served as an Academic Advisor for matriculated international students

Served on annual review committees for adjunct and non-tenured faculty

Hosted Second Language Acquisition and Teaching undergraduate student interns in listening and speaking and literate skills classes

Selected to serve on the Learning Management System (LMS) task force committee by University of Oregon Libraries & Media Technologies

Piloted a learning management system platform, Canvas, for possible campus-wide adaptation by University of Oregon Libraries & Media Technologies

Appointed by the University of Oregon Faculty Senate to the Student Health Center Advisory Committee as a faculty representative to better understand the health needs of international students

Co-designed teacher training materials for tutors for international students

Participate regularly in collaborative instructional groups comprised of ESOL faculty and teaching faculty in other disciplines on campus

Engage regularly in course curriculum and assessment development

Member of Summative Observation Committee, trained by Kathi Bailey of Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Monterrey, CA


University of Oregon       April 2006 – Present

American English Institute – Eugene, Oregon

Served as Activities Coordinator and planned trips and outings for 125 students

Redesigned the IEP Safety Orientation curriculum for new students to include more information about crime prevention, transportation options, personal safety, and sexual assault awareness

Collaborated with other faculty members on CEA (Committee on English Language Program Accreditation) renewal committees

Served as chair of the Adjunct Instructor Hiring Committee


Blended Learning Basics: Creating Online Course Materials: a 90-minute, a hands-on and computer-based workshop presented at Tri-TESOL, October 2015, Des Moines, Washington (co-presented with Sean McClelland).

Sandbox Time with Mobile Devices: 90-minute mini-workshop presented at the TESOL Convention Electronic Village, March 2014, Portland, Oregon (co-presented with Sean McClelland).

Pedagogical Benefits of Video Recorded Assessment: 90-minute poster session presented at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, November 2012, Denver Colorado.

Pedagogical Benefits and Challenges of Video Recorded Assessment: 30-minute invited speaker mini workshop presentation for international English teachers from the Access Teacher Development Online Program, September 2012, Eugene, Oregon.

Re-evaluating the Speaking and Listening Demands of University Classes: 50-minute presentation for teaching faculty at the American English Institute at the University of Oregon, December 2011 (presented with Brendan DeCoster, Jennifer Rice, Korey Rice, Beth Sheppard, and Nathan Soelberg).

Interactive Whiteboards: Practical Applications for Learners and Teachers: 90-minute poster session presented at the EDUCAUSE West/Southwest Regional Conference, February 2011, Austin, Texas.

Interactive Whiteboards: Collaborative and Practical Applications for Learners and Teachers: 60 minute presentation and 45-minute Electronic Village demonstration at the TESOL Convention, March 2010, Boston Massachusetts.

Making Use of a Collaborative Learning Environment: 45-minute invited speaker presentation at the University of Oregon Collaboration Center Symposium and Open House, November 2008, Eugene, Oregon.

Podcasting By Level: Practical Applications for Teachers: 60-minute presentation at the TESOL Convention, April 2008, New York, New York.


Drummond Sardell, R. (2014). Wellness in the Winter. ORTESOL Newsletter, Vol. 37 (4).

Drummond Sardell, R. (2014). University of Oregon and TESOL 2014. ORTESOL Newsletter, Vol. 37 (1).

Drummond Sardell, R. (2013, May 13). Interactive Whiteboards Are Front and Center in College Classrooms. Ed Tech.

Rice, J., DeCoster, B., Sheppard B. & Drummond Sardell R. (2011). What oral skills do our IEP students really need? A report on research in-progress at University of Oregon. ORTESOL Newsletter, Vol. 34 (1).


ORTESOL  (Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)

TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)

EDUCAUSE: a nonprofit association and the foremost community of IT leaders and professionals committed to advancing higher education

ELI (EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative): a collaborative community committed to advancing learning through IT innovation

National Organization for Women (NOW)


Teacher training efficacy and foreign language instruction (current)

Impacts of globalization on instructional efficacy in higher education (current)

Research of oral and aural skills needs of matriculated university students at the University of Oregon (2010)


Whole Person Certified Life Coach

March 2017 – Present

Coach Training World – Bakara Institute, Portland, Oregon

Fire Starter Sessions Facilitator

April 2017 – present

Danielle LaPorte


Spanish (beginning-intermediate proficiency)

Japanese (very basic proficiency)

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