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Posts under tag: undergraduates

June 15, 2020

Student Award Winners

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 Departmental Graduate Awards:

To honor the life and work of Norman Sundberg, the Norman D. Sundberg Fellowship in Psychology is given to outstanding Psychology doctoral students whose research focus is on cultural, community, clinical or personality assessment issues. The GEC is pleased to announce that this year’s winners are Cameron Kay, Monika Lind and Vinita Vader!
To honor the life and work of Beverly Fagot, the Beverly Fagot Dissertation Fellowship is given to an outstanding Psychology doctoral student who has advanced to candidacy and has a research focus in the area of social development and/or developmental psychopathology. The GEC is pleased to announce that this year’s winner is Jackie O’Brien!
Thanks to a generous gift from George Gregores, in honor of his son who graduated with dual degrees in Psychology and Political Science in 2010, we are able to offer the Gregores Graduate Student Research Award. The GEC is pleased to announce that this year’s winners are Alexis Adams-Clark, Raleigh Goodwin, and Brendan Cullen!

Every year, the department’s Distinguished Teaching Award is given to a Psychology graduate student (or students) who have demonstrated excellence in undergraduate classroom teaching. This year, the GEC is pleased to announce that the winner is Jeff Peterson!

We are also delighted to celebrate the undergraduate award winner

Rennie Kendrick won the Aaron Novick Thesis Award for her honors thesis completed in Dasa Zeithamova’s lab. Kendrick is also honored as one of the Oregon Six students, who are voted by their peers in Phi Beta Kappa as the most outstanding of those elected to membership that year.

Congratulations to our graduate and undergraduate students on winning these awards!

May 23, 2020

Congratulations to the Awardees from the Undergraduate Research Symposium!

Undergraduate Research Symposium

Congratulations to the undergraduates who won Psychology awards for posters they submitted to UO’s 2020 Undergraduate Research Symposium! Two students tied for the Psychology Grand Prize, given to the best overall poster. This award will be shared by Alex Boxberger, for a poster about “The effect of maternal borderline personality disorder symptoms on child externalizing problems, as mediated by parenting stress and maternal warmth,” and by Amy Chen, for the poster “Individual differences in memory self-efficacy and learning ability.”

Psychology’s Methodological Excellence Award went to Joshua Pearman‘s poster about “What parts of status matter? Comparing respect and admiration to social influence,” and the Innovation and Independence Award in Psychology went to Clare Brinkman, for the poster “Naturalistic perspective taking: Themes found in people’s naturalistic accounts.”

These students, who were selected by a faculty committee, will receive monetary awards. The department is very proud of its high level of undergraduate involvement in research and congratulates these four students for their outstanding posters.

June 5, 2018

Award-winning Undergraduate Students

We are delighted to announce the following winners of our 2018 Undergraduate Awards!


May 30, 2018

Department to Host Celebration of Undergraduate Achievement on June 1st

The psychology department will be gathering to celebrate the research that our exemplary honors undergraduate students have worked hard on all term.

Join us in celebrating the achievements of our undergraduates this Friday, June 1st from 3:30 to 5pm in the 2nd Floor Lewis Atrium.

View this year’s poster abstracts here.

Refreshments will be provided.