Posts under tag: social psychology
Upcoming Talks by the Social/Personality Faculty Candidates
The psychology department is excited to welcome three excellent candidates for the open social/personality faculty position. The upcoming dates and times of these candidates’ talks on their work is as follows:
1/11/18 (Thursday) at 3:00 PM in the EMU Gumwood Room (245)
Sarah Ward (University of Missouri), If it Feels Wrong, it is Wrong: How Trusting One’s Intuition Shapes Moral Judgments and Moral Behavior
Talk Abstract: It is widely believed that people use intuitive processing to inform their moral judgments. However, people differ in their tendency to trust or ignore their intuitions. In this talk, I demonstrate that people with a higher reliance on intuition are especially likely to condemn moral transgressions and are more prone to behave morally.
1/17/18 (Wednesday) at 3:00 PM in EMU Redwood Auditorium (214)
Jennifer Kubota (University of Chicago), TBD
1/22/18 (Monday) at 3:00 PM in EMU Crater Lake North (146)
Sara Weston (Northwestern University), TBD
Following each of the job talks, receptions will be held. All are welcome to attend.
Professor Elliot Berkman to give Quack Chat on goals and neuroscience
Professor Elliot Berkman will be giving a Quack Chat on December 13th, 6:00PM at Downtown Athletic Club’s Ax Billy Grill. Quack Chats are community events were faculty share their work in an informal setting, with food and refreshments. The title of Dr. Berkman’s chat is, “Your Brain on Goals— What Brain Science Says About Sticking to New Year’s Resolutions”. He will be discussing how neuroscience research can illuminate our understanding of the goal setting and achievement processes, including tips on how to set yourself up for success.
Read more about the event or RSVP on the University’s events calendar. All are welcome to attend.
Quack Chats featuring Dr. Paul Slovic
Dr. Paul Slovic will be giving a “Quack Chats” talk on Wednesday, April 26th at 6:00PM. The event will take place in the Falling Sky Pizzeria on campus (in the Erb Memorial Student Union building).
Dr. Slovic will be discussing his work on the emotional ‘numbing’ that is experienced when tragedies affect large numbers of people; “One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” The title of his talk is “Genocide and the Arithmetic of Compassion”. You can read more about the event in Around the O or attend at 6:00PM at Falling Sky Pizzeria.