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Posts under tag: awards

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August 14, 2018

Dr. Freyd Receives APA Award

Congratulations to Dr. Jennifer Freyd, who received an award from the Trauma Psychology division of the American Psychological Association! (more…)

June 5, 2018

Award-winning Undergraduate Students

We are delighted to announce the following winners of our 2018 Undergraduate Awards!


May 11, 2018

Award-winning Faculty Members

Three of our outstanding faculty members have won awards recently celebrating their impressive careers!

Dr. Dare Baldwin is a recipient of a 2018 Faculty Research Award from the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation for her work on “Harnessing Pupillometry to Monitor Infants’ Auditory Health.”

Dr. Elliot Berkman has been awarded the Graduate Mentor Excellence award from the graduate school for his laudable skills as a mentor for graduate students, postdocs, and early career faculty.

Dr. Jennifer Freyd has earned her second fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University to pursue the research project “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sexual Violence: Individual, Institutional and Structural Forces.”

Congratulations to our faculty!

May 1, 2018

Grad Students Win More Awards!

Our excellent graduate students have taken home more awards!

Grace Binion received a Distinguished Teaching Award.

Theresa Cheng won a General University Scholarship and a Gregores Graduate Student Research Award.

Dani Cosme earned this year’s Beverly Fagot Dissertation Fellowship.

Jessica Flannery took home a General University Scholarship and a Gregores Graduate Student Research Award.

Rita Ludwig received a General University Scholarship and a Norman D. Sundberg Fellowship in Psychology.

Ben Nelson won a Norman D. Sundberg Fellowship in Psychology.

Lauren Vega O’Neil was honored with a Distinguished Teaching Award.

Dori Wright earned a Norman D. Sundberg Fellowship in Psychology.

Congratulations, everyone!






April 6, 2018

Graduate Student Wins NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

The National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program is a highly competitive fellowship sought by students in the sciences across the country. This year, five graduate students at the UO earned fellowships, with one of those fellowships going to one of our own in the psychology department.

Congratulations to Brendan Cullen on this prestigious award!

Read more about Brendan and his research interests on the SAN lab website.

View all winners of the NSF GRFP.

April 5, 2018

Professor Berkman Wins Prestigious APS Award

Dr. Elliot Berkman has been honored with a Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions from the Association for Psychological Science. APS describes the winners of this prestigious reward thus:

Recipients reflect the best of the many new and cutting edge ideas coming out of our most creative and promising investigators who, together, embody the future of psychological science.

Dr. Berkman truly embodies the Janet Taylor Spence award. Congratulations, Dr. Berkman!

Read more about the Janet Taylor Spence award on APS’s website

Visit Dr. Berkman’s laboratory website

March 20, 2018

Award-winning Psychology Graduate Students

Congratulations to our amazing graduate students who have taken home several recent awards!

Elizabeth Loi has received a Gary E. Smith Summer Professional Development Award.

Dori Wright has received the Sandra Morgen Public Impact Fellowship.

Jessica Kosihas received a 2018-19 College of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Research Fellowship.

Jessica Flannery has received a 2018-19 College of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Research Fellowship.

March 16, 2018

CIC Inclusivity and Diversity Professional Development Awards

The Committee for an Inclusive Community is excited to offer funding awards for all members of our community– graduate students, postdocs, staff, faculty, and others–pursuing academic or professional development activities, and/or training or enrichment opportunities related to enhancing inclusivity and diversity. Approximately $10,000 will be awarded to successful applicants over the 2017-2018 academic year.

Examples of activities that might be good candidates for funding are attending conferences related to the topics of equity and inclusion, training in research methodologies designed to increase diversity of research samples, or earning certifications in topics of inclusion and diversity.

The department encourages all who are interested to apply. For full application details, please see the attached document: CIC Inclusivity and Diversity Professional Development Awards.


March 9, 2018

Sara Hodges Wins Inaugural Taylor Award!

Professor Sara Hodges has won the first annual Marjorie Taylor Art of Teaching Award! The Taylor Award honors faculty who have made outstanding contributions to teaching in psychology. In a ceremony on Friday, March 9th, the department revealed the hanging sculpture that will display the names of award recipients in Straub 257. The sculpture was commissioned from local artist Joe Mross. Joe is shown in the photos along with Drs. Taylor and Hodges. Congratulations, Sara!

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