Department Participating in Brainhack Global
Brainhack is a unique conference that convenes researchers across the globe from a myriad of disciplines to work together on innovative projects in neuroscience and psychology. Year after year, global Brainhack events have brought together researchers to participate in open collaboration, and regional Brainhack events help to continue the momentum.
Brainhack Global 2018 will unite regional events occurring the same week at 30+ different sites across 16 countries. We are participating as the only site in Oregon. Our site’s event is generously funded by the University of Oregon Graduate School, Robert and Beverly Lewis Center for Neuroimaging, UO Vice Provost for Research and Innovation, and UO Psychology Department.
If you’re interested in attending and want to receive updates on Brainhack 2018, please fill out this form.
What’s going to happen at Brainhack?
May 4: We will host a workshop to introduce attendees to open science, open data, and reproducible neuroimaging tools (i.e. GitHub, BIDS, fmriprep)
May 5 & 6: We will all contribute to projects during times for open hacking – attendees can either pitch project ideas to work on or join proposed project teams. Prior to our event, we will collect project ideas from attendees. Each team will present their progress at the end of Brainhack. There will also be mini-unconferences, which are an opportunity to discuss topics of interest with other attendees, related to their areas of expertise.
What kind of projects can I work on?
Current project pitches include contributing to open science programs, such as NeuroVault and Brain Imaging Data Structure Apps. We welcome any projects related to the study of the brain and/or behavior.
I have a project idea! How can I let others know about it?
Great! Please fill out this form to let others know about your project idea.
I don’t have a project idea. What should I do?
It’s okay if you don’t have a project idea of your own, because other projects will need your skills and support. Take a look at this spreadsheet to look at current project ideas. All skills are valued at a Brainhack–you can always be a beta tester.
I don’t have a background in neuroscience -and/or- I don’t have strong programming skills. Can I still attend?
Yes! All are welcome. The purpose of Brainhack is to bring together people with different skills to learn from one another.