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Robyn L. Gobin (PhD, 2012) Named 2016 Judy E. Hall Early Career Psychologist Award Winner

Robyn Gobin

Robyn Gobin (PhD, 2012) has won the 2016 Judy E. Hall Early Career Psychologist Award

At the National Register’s spring meeting, the Board of Directors voted to present the 2016 Judy E. Hall, PhD, Early Career Psychologist Award to Robyn L. Gobin, PhD.

The award is named after Judy E. Hall, PhD, the Executive Officer of the National Register from 1990 to 2013. The award recognizes excellence in a National Register credentialed psychologist with fewer than ten years of postdoctoral experience, and the associated $2,500 stipend supports a project that advances the mission, vision, and values of the National Register.

Congrats, Robin!