Resources & Support

If you or a friend are in crisis and need to speak with someone now, please call:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (they don’t just talk about suicide—they cover a lot of issues and will help put you in touch with someone close by).

If you need information on treatment and where you can find it, you can call:

For more information on how to help an adult or teen/young-adult friend or loved one:


 A sample of local counseling and social service resources follows.

Local Crisis Lines
University of Oregon Crisis Line 541-346-3227
Sexual Assault Support Services Crisis Line 541-343-7277
Whitebird Clinic Crisis Line 541-687-4000
Womenspace Crisis Line 541-485-6513
Local Counseling
University of Oregon Counseling Center 541-346-3227
Center for Community Counseling 541-344-0620
Options Counseling Services 541-687-6983
Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) 541-484-9791
Center for Family Therapy 541-346-0923
Some Additional Campus Resources
UO Women’s Center 541-346-4095
Office of Affirmative Action 541-346-3123
Student Advocacy 541-346-3722
Multicultural Center 541-346-4321
LGBT Educational and Support Services 541-346-6105

We do not assume any responsibility for the quality of services offered by the organizations listed.


A Note about The Nature of Discussions in this Class

In this class we will be discussing issues, which may have, at times, an intense personal significance for some members of the class. There are no taboos for discussion topics in this course. We will exercise and respect freedom of speech. At the same time, we must take responsibility to ensure that we are respectful of everyone’s opinion and that we stay on topic. If you find you are troubled by material while taking this course, and need support or counseling, please be sure to pursue that external support by seeking out a supportive friend, counselor, and/or a social service.

Mandatory Reporting

UO employees, including faculty, staff, and GTFs, are mandatory reporters of child abuse when the employee has “reasonable cause to believe any child with whom the employee comes in contact has suffered abuse or that any person with whom the employee comes in contact has abused a child.” UO employees, including faculty, staff, and GTFs, also are mandatory reporters of prohibited discrimination when the employee obtains “credible evidence that any form of prohibited discrimination by or against students, faculty or staff is occurring.” “Prohibited discrimination” includes discrimination, and discriminatory harassment, including sexual harassment and sexual assault. This statement is to advise you that that your disclosure of information about child abuse or prohibited discrimination to a UO employee may trigger the UO employee’s duty to report that information to the designated authorities.  Please refer to the following links for detailed information about mandatory reporting:

There is one other important thing to keep in mind. The instructor and GTF may be required to let the Office of the Dean of Students or the Office of Affirmative Action & Equal Opportunity know about discrimination, harassment, or physical and sexual assault students disclose in our presence.


Learning Goals for UO Psychology Majors

Learning Goals for UO Psychology Majors (approved 10 March 2014) Submitted by Holly Arrow 3/11/14.

Upon completing their training, UO psychology majors should have a broad knowledge of psychology, including basic statistical techniques and ethical issues, and be skilled at reading, evaluating, and communicating about the primary scientific literature in psychology. More specifically, they should be able to:

1. Identify major theories, research findings, and methodological approaches in a variety of key content areas including, for example, cognition, neuroscience, development, social behavior, personality, and psychopathology and mental health; and apply research findings to human behavior in everyday life.

2. Find relevant articles in the primary psychological literature on a given topic, identify key research questions and hypotheses in scientific articles, and critically evaluate the research design and the quality of evidence presented.

3. Choose appropriate basic statistical analysis techniques for a specific research question and set of data, complete basic data analyses, and summarize the results in an APA-style report.

4. Communicate clearly and effectively about psychological topics, including methodological and ethical issues in psychology, based on an understanding of both the strengths and limitations of empirical evidence.

Hello Psy 383!


Welcome to your brand new course webpage at University of Oregon Sites. The topic of this course is the physiological and behavioral effects of psychoactive drugs such as alcohol, opiates, barbiturates, and excitants. The psychology of use and overuse and therapies for correcting drug problems. Please read the webpage for course policies and required materials.