Christina Karns, Ph.D.
I am a brain nerd! My Ph.D. is in Neuroscience from University of California, Berkeley. I have been doing brain research – mainly human neuroimaging — for many years. My favorite brain research topics are attention, neuroplasticity, and positive emotions. I love to teach, and my goal is to teach you about psychoactive drugs, the brain, and a bit about yourself in as comprehensive and engaging a manner as I can. The material we will cover is applicable to everyone wherever you fall on the spectrum of abstinence to addiction. This material is relevant to history, politics, pop culture, art movements, etc. which makes this a really fun course to teach! I balance teaching with a busy research career that involves designing and conducting experiments, supervising student researchers, analyzing data, writing scientific manuscripts and writing grants. Besides brain research and teaching, I also love great music, inspiring art, and my family and friends.
We are lucky to have Benjamin Nelson as a teaching assistant this term. You can contact Benjamin directly at bwn@uoregon.edu. Ben will also check my teaching email and course phone number. He will assist with student questions, with writing exams and quizzes, and will hold office hours: Mondays from 10:00am to 12:00pm in Franklin 218.