Psy 348: Music & Brain, Spring 2015

How the building blocks of music are affected by acoustics, neurobiology, perceptual grouping, brain damage, and cognitive neuroscience.

Required Texts and Materials


Required Texts & Materials

  • Canvas policy: You are responsible for announcements posted to Canvas. You should check Canvas frequently for announcements, etc.
  • iClicker2 – The iClicker is a good tool to assess your own knowledge as we go, to make a large course more interactive, and to reduce grading burdens for a large class. This also means your grade can be distributed across more small assignments. This is good for you. Note that the iClicker2 can be sold back to the bookstore. Older models are fine for this course but they cannot be sold back to the bookstore.
  • Required Readings: An e-textbook by Dr. Michael Wehr, and supplementary readings from the scientific literature and popular press will be freely available through Blackboard and/or Canvas.
  • Suggested Readings: popular best-sellers available at the bookstore in the textbook section for PSY 348.
  • “This is Your Brain on Music,” by Daniel Levitin
  • “Musicophilia,” by Oliver Sacks


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