Getting Back into the Swing of Things

By Kate Templeton

Winter break was great, but now we need to refocus as we begin the new term. Below are a few tips to get back into the swing of things and have a successful 10 weeks!

Organize Your Planner

You will be shocked how much better your life is with a planner. It has been proven that writing words down actually helps people retain information better than just reading it. By having a visual list of the work you need to complete, you will be able to actually visualize and better organize the tasks at hand. Plus, I have to admit, I find it very satisfying to cross a completed task off my list!

Set Goals

Winter term is not only a new term, but also a new year! Whether you made New Year resolutions or not, setting some goals for yourself will help start your term off right. It doesn’t matter if your goals are small or large — they will help you keep your focus on what you want to achieve.

Start a Routine

Be proactive and create a routine for yourself. I know that it’s syllabus week and we all want to lie around and finish the TV shows that we binge-watched all winter break. However, implementing a solid and effective routine at the beginning of the term will help you be more successful as the term progresses.

Start Healthy Habits

My next tip is simpler said than done! Starting a consistent workout routine and eating healthier food choices is easier now than when the term gets busy later on. It is crucial to be in both a healthy and a happy mindset. Winter term can bring on seasonal sadness due to the lack of sun and shorter daylight hours. Being mentally and emotionally positive is extremely important to keep your spirits up these next 10 weeks!

I hope these tips help and everyone has a happy and successful 2018!

4 New Year’s Resolutions for PR Students

A new year is almost here and so are the promises to lose that holiday weight, finally clean out your closet, or clock x-amount of volunteer hours. I’m not the biggest fan of New Year’s resolutions, but I do believe this time of year is a great opportunity to set attainable, realistic goals for the next 12 months. Especially as a college student preparing for the future. Not sure where to start? Here are four ideas to add to your to-do list as a PR student:

Actually use your LinkedIn account

This year, I did a great job of setting up my LinkedIn account and then forgetting about it. But with graduation and job searches around the corner, this is a tool that I plan to utilize more often. Make it a habit to log into your LinkedIn account at least once a month to add new connections, update your experiences, and search for job opportunities with your favorite companies. Or consider creating a LinkedIn profile if you have yet to do so.

Make more time for blogging

Whether you’ve considered starting a blog or already have one, this is the year to commit. I started my own lifestyle blog last February as a creative outlet and showcase my writing, promotion, and design abilities. Establishing a blog – and updating it often – is a great way to expand your online presence, connect with other bloggers and peers, and give future employers a taste of your talents and ideas.

Connect with a professor

If you have yet to connect with a professor or faculty member in your department, make it happen this year! These will be the relationships you will need for job references and letters of recommendation after graduation. Whether you’ve taken a class with them or just connected over social media, reach out to your favorite professor over email and ask to set up a meeting. Most faculty members are more than happy to answer questions, offer advice, and point you in the right direction.

Get involved with a student group

Getting involved with my University’s chapter of PRSSA was one of the most beneficial choices I made last year.  It expanded my resume, built my portfolio, connected me with fellow PR students, and introduced me to friends I will have for years to come. Research opportunities with your own school’s PRSSA chapter or student-run PR firm. Or check with your department’s advising office for a list of other student organizations that might interest you.

What goals and resolutions are you adding to your to-do list for 2013?

This post was originally featured on the author’s personal blog and portfolio. Image credit to Redspotted/Flickr.

530401_482363465136160_97200906_n Post by Callie Gisler, UO PRSSA Public Relations Director for the 2012-2013 school year. She is currently a junior studying PR and Journalism. You can contact Callie at!