Surviving the Gloomiest Term of the Year

Winter term in college is difficult anywhere – it’s in between summer-just-ended and when-will-summer-get-here. At the University of Oregon, it’s cold, wet, and grey, the homework is piling up and there’s no sunshine for our necessary dosage of Vitamin D. Sometimes it’s especially difficult to get past the bleak grey abyss, so I’ve compiled a few helpful tips to get you through to spring break.

Enjoy the rain’s simplicity and stay inside.
Sometimes listening to the rain and reading a good book is a great way to spend a cold day. Make some tea, organize your workload, research something you’ve always wanted to know more about, bake a new dessert, or plan a movie night in with friends.

Take advantage of the new recreation center.
The newly renovated Rec Center offers multiple options to get your endorphins going including rock climbing, swimming, weight lifting, and organized sports.

End your week with On The Rocks.
The university’s male a cappella performs every Friday at 4pm in the EMU Amphitheater.

Take advantage of the Outdoor Program on the weekends.
During the winter, you can take the Berg’s bus to Mt. Hood, Mt. Bachelor, Willamette Pass, or Hoodoo for the day to ski or snowboard at a discounted price.

Stay organized and improve your time management skills.
Consider buying a planner and arrange your week to allow time for homework, extracurricular activities, and exercise. However, don’t forget to pencil in time for relaxation too. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Focus on the end goal.
The halfway mark is already here, and spring will be here before you know it. Keep up with your schoolwork, and use these tips to get you through the rainy Oregon winter.

What do you do to get through winter term?

Brooke Adams, external relations committee member, is a junior transfer student, majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Business Administration. Brooke is a native Oregonian, avid coffee drinker, and music lover. Contact her at

Photo Credit: Tore Khan via Compfight cc

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