Student Information

Portfolio Reviews provide students with the opportunity to present key projects and receive valuable feedback from industry professionals. Students will present their resume, classwork, capstone course client work, internship and professional projects. Reviewers will give an evaluation on the student’s presentation and portfolio, as well as constructive criticism.

Portfolio Evaluation Form-286fkd5


  • Reviews will be held in Allen Hall. (In spring, the George S. Turnbull Center in Portland also is a host site.)
  • Review session: 45 minutes
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled review time
  • Review times and room numbers will be on the schedule. (Currently under construction, but should be ready by November 1.)


  • Business professional, not business casual (there is a difference)
  • Remember, it is better to be overdressed than underdressed

Select from among the following. Remember, you want to make a positive impression as a serious professional. Consider the industry where you’re interested working.

  • Dresses or skirts must be knee length
  • Close-toed dress shoes, appropriate heel height
  • Nails and hair must be groomed
  • Dress shirt and tie
  • Blazer or sport coat
  • Slacks with belt


  • Prepare and practice ahead of time, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE NIGHT BEFORE 
  • Send resume, 1 writing sample, a link to e-portfolio, and digital portfolio (if applicable) to reviewers at least one week before the review date.
  • The schedule features reviewers’ email addresses. Use it to network with your reviewers.

Review Panels 

  • One faculty member and two to three professionals
  • Names, title and email addresses of reviewers will be on the schedule (still under construction — check back shortly)
  • Respect the reviewers; they are volunteering their time to review and provide feedback
  • Treat the review like an interview

Presentation Overview

  • Go inside the room and introduce yourself
  • Mention the type of PR you are interested in
  • Present your portfolio to the reviewers for 15-20 minutes
  • Leave the room for 10 minutes
  • Reviewers will ask you to come inside after 10 minutes
  • If they do not come out, feel free to check on them after 10 minutes
  • Come back in to receive feedback
  • Ask reviewers if it’s okay to take notes

Questions or Concerns 

Please e-mail