Past Projects

Genocide Prevention Initiative Activities to date: 2012 – 2015

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Listed below by year (most recent to oldest), are a number of the events we have organized or helped to organize, as well as projects we have sponsored. Many of the projects are ongoing.


  • The GMAP Technology workshop successfully forged connections between the GPI, the University, 4J school district and the workshop guests and their respective organizations including: Operation Broken Silence, Genocide Watch, Ushahidi, The New York Times, the UO InfoGraphics Lab.
  • Brought well-regarded University of Oxford Professor, Hugo Slim back to campus and hosted a Human Rights Panel Discussion featuring Hugo Slim, and Professor Ibrahim Gassama.
  • Secured a National Science Foundation Grant to launch a study of decision – making during times of atrocity and genocide. Held the workshop, “Government Decision-Making in Times of Genocide and Mass Atrocities,” in April 2015.
  • Within the same series (from above), “Government Decision-Making in Times of Genocide and Mass Atrocities,” there were two public events. Ambassador Princeton Lyman gave a keynote address, “Responding to Mass Atrocities: Personalities, Politics, and Principle”, April 9, In addition, we hosted a panel discussion on April 10th, “Preventing Mass Atrocities and Genocide: Strategies for the Future”. Three speakers: Dr. Edward C. Luck, “Curbing Atrocity Crimes:  A View From the UN”; Ambassador Rick Barton: “Practical Obstacles and Pragmatic Steps”; Dr. Philip Lancaster: “Stabilization or Self-Deception”
  • Helped to bring Nobel peace prizewinner, Rigoberta Menchu Tum to campus to discuss the prevention of atrocity and genocide in April 2015.
  • Enlisted the support of the Knight library in creating a specialized collection on atrocity and genocide prevention. Knight library and the GPI are also currently working on collaborating with Wikipedia regarding these same issues.
  • In collaboration with the Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies, GPI helped to sponsor the exhibition and guest lecture of Gustavo Germano at UO, on Wednesday, May 13. Germano examined the use of photographs of the disappeared to reclaim truth and justice in the aftermath of the military dictatorships in Argentina (1976-1983) and Brazil (1964-1985).


  • Hugo Slim visited the University of Oregon, November 16-23, 2013. While at the UO, Slim conducted a workshop on prevention-oriented curriculum with UO faculty and 4J teachers, attended classes, engaged with students interested in international aid work and delivered the UO’s second annual address “The State of Human Rights: The Challenge of Humanitarian Action”.
  • “Preventing Further Genocide and Mass Atrocities in Guatemala and Beyond.” Submitted by: Lynn Stephen (Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies, Anthropology), Carlos Aguirre (History, Latin American Studies), Gabriela Martinez (School of Journalism & Communication), Michelle McKinley (School of Law), Stephanie Wood (Fulbright Senior Specialist).
  • “Overcoming Psychic Numbing: Creating Better Media Coverage of Mass Atrocity.” Submitted by: Scott Maier (School of Journalism and Communication), Paul Slovic (Psychology).
  • “African Peace building Project.” Submitted by: Barbara Tint (Conflict and Dispute Resolution, School of Law), Emmalee McDonald (African Studies; Conflict and Dispute Resolution, School of Law).
  • “Building Response-Based Undergraduate Curriculum and Course Content Concerning Genocide and its Prevention.” Galen Martin (International Studies)
  • Ambassador Joyce Leader gave an address, “The Rwandan Genocide Twenty Years Later: Its Origins, Its Legacy, and Its Lessons for the Prevention of Genocide” April 16, 2014
  • Created a website devoted to the initiative.


  • Collaborated with the 4J school district to discuss how atrocity and genocide prevention should be taught.
    • “Ending the silence surrounding genocide”: Mark Hackett, founder of Operation Silence, visited the University of Oregon January 30 through February 1, 2013. He presented a free public lecture titled “Behind the Front Lines in the Fight Against Genocide”.
    • Sponsored the Carnegie Global Oregon student group’s effort to develop the digital means to better gather information on atrocities and genocide.  The students sponsored a workshop, attended by colleagues from 4j, with prominent activists.
    • President of Genocide Watch, Gregory Stanton presented a public address, “How We Can Prevent Genocide” April 11, 2013.