On this webpage you can find the comprehensive bibliography for an article we published in AERA’s annual publication of the Review of Research in Education. The article reviews education research influenced by posthumanist philosophies, which we defined broadly. We spent over 3 years working on the review, ultimately reviewing over 300 articles, book chapters, and books.
Despite the editors generosity with word allowance, we could neither cite all of these manuscripts in the text of the article nor include all of these texts in the published bibliography. Therefore, we included in the publication a link to this website that provides a comprehenisive bibliography. We plan to periodically update it for at least a couple of years after the publication. We hope it will be of use to scholars influenced by and adding to this literature.
If you use the article and extended bibliography for your work, we ask that you cite the original review and the extended bibliography. You may use the following citation for the bibliographic database. The bibliography can, of course, also be cited separately.
Rosiek, J., Adkins-Cartee, M., Donley, A., Pratt, A. (2024). A Bibliography of Posthumanist Education Research and Related Texts. 1.1.doc. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10298532
This bibliographic data base will be periodically updated. If you have a citation of an education research publication you think should be included in this bibliography, you can send it to jrosiek@uoregon.edu with the subheading PH Bibliography. We will do our best to monitor, assess, and where appropriate include such suggestions as a service to the field. No promises as to the pace of our updates, .
Links to author contact information can be found at the bottom of the page if you have questions.
Thanks for visiting.
Jerry, MaryJohn, Kevin, and Alex