The 4th Generation of Otaku ● The president of Akihabara Research...
Oricon Homepage Japanese entertainment news including CD album and singles rankings...
“Happy Science” (Ryuho Okawa, IRH Press, 2009) 幸福の科学 公式ホームページ Happy Science’s...
“Alternative goth subcultural fringe and other fashion” (the alternative fashion blog,...
Japan plans to ship back foreigners, over 300,000 Dekasegi Japan unveil...
The Imperial Rescript on Education Issued in 1890 1890年に作られた教育ニ関スル勅語です。 Japanese Education...
A Brief History of Japanese Environment Article describing history of government...
Kintetsu Buffaloes History Website about the (storied) history of the Osaka-based...
“Japanese Women Live, and Like It, On Their Own” (Washington Post,...
“Just 20, She Captures Altered Japan in a Debut Novel” (NY...