“Japanese Women Live, and Like It, On Their Own” (Washington Post, 2004)
- Newspaper article about Junko Sakai’s Howl of the Loser Dogs and the increase of unmarried women in Japan
- 酒井順子の「負け犬の遠吠え」と日本に未婚女性の増について新聞の記事
- Review of Howl of the Loser Dogs that contrasts it with 2004’s Women who are Becoming Demon Hags
- 「負け犬の遠吠え」を批評して「鬼婆化する女達」(2004年)と対比したエッセイ
- Japanese webpage about Sakai’s various published works, including Howl of the Loser Dogs
- 酒井のさまざまな著作について日本のページ、「負け犬の遠吠え」を含む