Search Committee

Searches are hosted by Academic Jobs Online.

Search Committee members are appointed by the department head, and all tenured or tenure-track faculty are eligible. Searches for non-tenure-track faculty are conducted by the Department Head and the Personnel Committee. The department has created a Job Candidate Data Sheet to help the search committee in determining the most qualified candidates; these should be created by the committee for the short-list vote and job offer vote.

The committee chair will be responsible for compiling and submitting any search records and scoring matrix to the department manager by the time a hire suggestion is made; these materials become part of the search record. The department manager will supply the committee chair with a disposition spreadsheet, which should be submitted at that time.

Important information for Search Committee Members

Hosting a Candidate

Meals for department faculty and the candidate can be reimbursed or paid by UO funds. Family members, guest outside of the University, etc., cannot be covered with UO funds.

See the reimbursement page for information on meals with a candidate.