Contact the instructor and arrange a date to observe the class
At least one week of advance notice must be provided prior to observation
Ask the instructor to provide the course syllabus and relevant materials prior to the class observation. It may also be beneficial to review the course Canvas site, as the reviewer needs to be able to answer the following questions for the merit pay plan:
Does the syllabus establish student workload, learning objectives, grading, and class policy expectations?
Are course materials readily available, coherently organized, and of high quality?
Are student activities, in and out of class, designed and organized to maximize student learning?
Observe the class
The observation guide should be used to organize and structure your observations. Click HERE to download.
Review the syllabus
The syllabus guide should be used to ensure that the syllabus incorporates elements and features suggested by CAS Curriculum Development. Click HERE to download.
Review of the syllabus is required, per our TTF Professional Responsibilities. Find the course catalog descriptions at here.
Write your review
Use the memo guide and template when composing the review. Click HERE to download.
the template must be used, as it contains specific questions related to the Merit Pay Plan. This will allow the Personnel Committee to quickly evaluate the review for merit points.
The observation and syllabus guides can be submitted along with the memo.
In this case, the memo could be a brief summary, with a focus on areas of strength and areas to develop. However, the merit section must be completed.
The observation and syllabus guides would become part of the review, and will be provided to the instructor along with the memo
Submit your review materials to the department manager via email (no later than week 2 of the following term OR by the date listed above [to ensure we have documents in time for other types of review]).
Word documents preferred
The department manager will collect your signature after obtaining review approval
clarifications may be requested prior to signature collection
The review will then be provided to the instructor and they will be given the opportunity to respond