Curriculum Proposal How-Tos

The Curriculum Committee Chair will initiate the proposal process with individual faculty in early fall. Courses will be identified based on the number of times it has been offered in an online format or as an experimental course (numbered 199, 399, 410, or 510). These courses may be offered for up to three years without committee review. Faculty members interested in regularizing a course or having their course approved for an online format should consult the department head.

UO Curriculum utilizes CourseLeaf, a Course Inventory Management system (CIM). All curriculum proposals will go through CourseLeaf.

Proposals wishing to request in-person and online formats for the same course should submit both format proposals on the same proposal in CourseLeaf.

Permanent courses that are seeking to regularize a course for an online format may need to also submit an in-person syllabus and provide the in-person student engagement inventory (SEI) with the online format proposal, depending on if the in-person format of the course was regularized prior to CourseLeaf. Click link #3 below for additional information. If you are interested in developing a new online course, start by having a conversation with the department head.

Which type of course proposal have you been asked to complete?

  1. New Course Proposal; In-Person Format Only
  2. New Course Proposal; Offerings for both In-Person and Online Formats
  3. Online Format Proposal for an already regularized Political Science Course
  4. New Core Education Review (Summer 2019, 2022, and 2023 only)