Curriculum Committee Chair Responsibilities

The curriculum committee chair serves as faculty curriculum coordinator (a CAS role) and coordinates the following duties with the department head:

  • Coordinates with the graduate coordinator to establish administrative support needs and to set up a calendar (see below) at the beginning of the year
  • Provides direct oversight of the committee to ensure cohesiveness of curriculum and ensuring that UO procedures for curricular changes are followed
  • Coordinates departmental curriculum changes and updates, adhering to the CAS & University timetables
  • Provides guidance, resources, and information on how to submit a successful course proposal through CourseLeaf to faculty proposing new courses
  • Coordinates tasks with committee members and ensures proposals follow established timelines
    • Recommendations for edits/corrections to proposed courses must be sent via email to the proposing faculty member; the Graduate Coordinator must be Cc’d so that they can roll-back the CourseLeaf proposal to the faculty member
  • Pulls course syllabi from proposals in CourseLeaf to forward to Department Heads of other department that may have course overlap with the proposed courses
    • All communication and clearance of courses must be forwarded to the graduate coordinator to be uploaded to the proposal in CourseLeaf
  • Ensures that 400/500 level proposals meet the UO 400/500 Differential policy
  • Informs the department head (Cc the graduate coordinator) of the Committee’s course proposal approvals
  • Completes the annual curriculum assessment report
  • Responds to questions posed by various curriculum review bodies
  • Tracks progress of all proposals within and outside the department that might impact PS course offerings
  • Completes other curriculum-related tasks, as needed

* The department head is the final reviewer for all PS course proposals/changes. Refer to the CourseLeaf Workflow