
The content and opinions expressed on UO Blogs web sites do not necessarily reflect the views of nor are they endorsed by the University of Oregon or the Oregon University System.

Terms of Service for UO Blogs


Instructors should be aware that course-related content students enter into any online system constitutes an education record and that FERPA regulations require that the content be protected from disclosure without student consent. Disclosure in this context includes posting student content openly on the Internet. Therefore, if you require use of blogs, web publishing, online collaboration, social media, or other publicly accessible communication tools, all of your students must complete the Registrar’s Consent for Disclosure Form, sign it, and turn it in to you.

There are several methods students can use to protect their privacy when working with internet-based course activity with potential for public view. These options are listed on the Consent for Disclosure Form. Note that students have the option of checking more than one method in order to allow flexibility of access according to specific assignments. For more information, please refer to http://libweb.uoregon.edu/cmet/blogprivacy.html. Additional questions about FERPA or students’ rights to privacy may be directed to the Office of the Registrar (541) 346-2935 or registrar@uoregon.edu.


The purpose of UO Blogs (blogs.uoregon.edu) is to provide a supported academic blogging and web publishing service for creation and transfer of knowledge and advancing the university’s mission of academic inquiry, learning, and service. Faculty, staff, and students with active DuckIDs may log in to blogs.uoregon.edu to create blogs and websites. The service is based on WordPress, a popular and well-supported platform for blogging and web content management and powered by EduBlogs.

UO Blogs is a free service sponsored by Information Services, the UO Libraries, the School of Architecture and Allied Arts, the College of Arts & Sciences, the Lundquist College of Business, the College of Education, the School of Journalism and Communications, the Clark Honors College, the School of Music and Dance, and the Office of Enrollment Management.

Basic user support is provided by the UO Technology Service Desk, and pedagogical integration is provided by additional staff in Information Services, UO Libraries, the Teaching Effectiveness Program, and school/college IT staff.

For more support information see Resources https://service.uoregon.edu/TDClient/KB/ArticleDet?ID=32873 


Use of UO Blogs constitutes agreement to adhere to all Terms of Service (TOS) for University of Oregon academic web publishing and collaboration services https://service.uoregon.edu/TDClient/KB/ArticleDet?ID=41289


Each site has an upload space size limit of 10 GB with a 50 MB single file upload limit.


Blogs that are inactive for more than two years may be removed from the system.


UO Blogs is currently hosted under a contract with edublogs.org. As a hosted service, we do not control the maintenance windows, upgrades and other software services. In the event that we are notified of any changes to the system by the vendor we will be sure to let users know in as timely a manner as possible.

All blog users are responsible for reading and adhering to the Terms of Service and all UO Policies for UO Blogs.

Violations of these policies will be referred to the appropriate authorities.