Spirituality Reflection

In my own personal opinion, spirituality takes on the role of captivating all internal motivators, and this set of qualities is unique to each individual. It is easy to associate spirituality with a specific religion or belief system, but I think straying away from this generalization is necessary in today’s world. Everyone has different beliefs and acts upon a different set of values, so having one definition of what makes up the spirit is not possible. Spirituality is what drives all humans to be the best they want to be. This is also unique to the individual and explains why people find pleasure and success in all different realms.


All humans have spirituality, but not all humans follow a set of religious beliefs, therefore spirituality must be different than religion. Additionally, I think that religion is something that must be taught and shared between people, but spirituality does not have to maintain these qualities. Rather, spirituality may be intrinsic and able to exist without requiring instruction. Likewise, spirituality is unique to every individual, whereas a religion is a shared set of common beliefs. That is not to say that two spiritualties cannot closely resemble one another, though.


Personally, I find that creativity and imagination go hand-in-hand. Creativity is taking what already exists, whether it is an abstract idea, a physical object, or a combination of the two, and reinventing it or seeing something new within it. People possess and practice different levels and intensities of creativity, but I do believe that everyone possesses some bit of creativity. In addition, people are also capable of practicing creativity in an infinite number of ways – some may choose the more traditional methods of painting or drawing, whereas others many exemplify their creative sides via dance or song.


As a science major, I find it difficult not to define the source of creativity as something other than a fine-tuned network of neuronal pathways within the brain. I think that creativity is a balance between nature and nurture, in terms of development, and I think this explains why people exhibit different creative capabilities. Creativity comes from within – it is an intrinsic trait – but extrinsic factors are able to influence and cultivate it. I do think that creativity comes from the brain but is heavily dependent on experiences involving the senses.

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