Course Syllabi

This page is a work in progress- if you do not see a record listed, please email Rachelle Beach in the Physics Office:

On this page:

2024 Syllabi | 2023 Syllabi | 2022 Syllabi | 2021 Syllabi | 2020 Syllabi | 2019 Syllabi | 2018 Syllabi | 2017 Syllabi | 2016 Syllabi | 2015 Syllabi | 2014 Syllabi | 2013 Syllabi | 2012 Syllabi | 2011 Syllabi | 2010 Syllabi | 2009 Syllabi | 2008 Syllabi | 2007 Syllabi

2024 Syllabi

Fall 2024

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Summer 2024

Phys 171 – Parthasarathy Astr – 121 Goering
Phys 202 – Strom Phys 155 – Noeckel
Phys 205 – Goering Phys 162 – Parthasarathy
Phys 299 – Noeckel Phys 203 – Scannell
Phys 352 – Corwin Phys 206 – Goering
Phys 391 – Livelybrooks Phys 251 – van Enk
Phys 411 – Noeckel Phys 253 – McMorran
Phys 610 – Yu Phys 290 – Allcock
Phys 610 – Belitz Phys 353 – Corwin
Phys 612 – Paulose Phys 410 – Wang
Phys 613 – Paulose Phys 410 – van Enk
Phys 622 – Belitz Phys 510 – van Enk
Phys 632 – Steck Phys 410 – Schombert
Phys 662 – Chang Phys 422 – Frey
Phys 665 – Kribs Phys 510 – Schombert
Phys 614 – Paulose
Phys 623 – Noeckel
Phys 633 – Steck
Phys 663 – Chang
Phys 666 – Kribs

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2023 Syllabi

Fall 2023

Winter 2023

Spring 2023

Summer 2023

Astr 121 – Schombert Astr – 123 Goering Astr – 121 Schombert Astr – 121 Schombert
Astr 122 – Goering Astr – 121 Noeckel Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 122 Fisher
Astr 123- Goering Astr – 122 Farr Astr – 123 Frey Astr – 123 Frey
Phys 101 – Noeckel Phys – 155 Wang Phys – 101 Noeckel Phys – 101 Noeckel
Phys 152 – Livelybrooks Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Phys 201 – Griffith Phys – 201 Griffith
Phys 153 – Allcock Phys – 181 van Enk Phys 204 – Brunnenmeyer Phys – 204 Brunnenmeyer
Phys 414-Yu Phys 290 – Allcock Phys 253 – Majewski Phys – 410 Various
Phys 423 – Paty Phys – 299 Noeckel Phys 353 – Raghu
Phys 444 – Parthasarathy Phys – 352 Corwin Phys 410 – Farr
Phys 523 – Paty Phys – 391 Livelybrooks Phys 510 – Farr
Phys 544 – Parthasarathy Phys – 411 Schombert Phys 410 – Various
Phys – 413 Frey Phys 623 – Noeckel
Phys – 415 Chang Phys 633 – Steck
Phys – 610 Belitz
Phys – 612 Paulose
Phys – 622 Belitz
Phys – 632 Steck
Phys – 665 Kribs

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2022 Syllabi

Fall 2022

Winter 2022

Spring 2022

Summer 2022

Astr – 122 Goering Astr – 121 Imamura & Noeckel Astr – 121 Goering Phys – 101 Noeckel
Phys – 101 Steck Astr – 122 Farr Astr – 122 Fisher Phys – 201 Griffith
Phys – 101 Noeckel Astr – 123 Goering Astr – 123 Noeckel Phys – 202 Brunnenmeyer
Phys – 152 Livelybrooks Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Phys – 351 Schombert Phys – 205 Goering
Phys – 201 Banavar Phys – 202 Strom Phys – 153 Smith
Phys – 251 Yu Phys – 290 Corwin Phys – 162 Parthasarathy
Phys – 299 van Enk Phys – 352 van Enk Phys – 203 Ursell
Phys – 351 Corwin Phys – 391 Livelybrooks Phys – 290 McMorran
Phys – 391 Torrence Phys – 410 Frey Phys – 353 Corwin
Phys – 410 Parthasarathy Phys – 410 Schombert Phys – 410 Schombert
Phys – 414 Chang Phys – 413 Torrence Phys – 410 Van Enk
Phys – 510 Parthasarathy Phys – 415 Chang Phys – 417 Chang
Phys – 610 Belitz Phys – 425 Allcock Phys – 422 Frey
Phys – 622 Belitz Phys – 431 Smith Phys – 432 Jeanty
Phys – 610 Yu Phys – 510 Van Enk
Phys – 610 Belitz Phys – 510 Farr
Phys – 612 Paulose Phys – 610 Yu
Phys – 622 Belitz Phys – 614 Belitz
Phys – 632 Steck Phys – 623 Noeckel
Phys – 665 Cohen Phys – 633 Steck
Phys – 663 Kribs
Phys – 666 Cohen

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2021 Syllabi

Fall 2021

Winter 2021

Spring 2021

Summer 2021

Astr – 123 Frey Astr – 121 Noeckel
Phys – 101 Noeckel Astr – 122 Schombert
Phys – 251 Yu Phys – 155 Noeckel
Phys – 351 Corwin Phys – 161 Parthasarathy
Phys – 412 Jeanty Phys – 290 Smith
Phys – 610 Belitz Phys – 352 Corwin
Phys – 622 Belitz Phys – 369 Kribs
Phys – 631 Steck Phys – 391 Livelybrooks
Phys – 661 Kribs Phys – 410 Frey
Phys – 413 Yu
Phys – 415 Chang
Phys – 612 Toner
Phys – 613 Toner
Phys – 622 Belitz
Phys – 632 Steck
Phys – 665 Cohen

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2020 Syllabi

Fall 2020

Winter 2020

Spring 2020

Summer 2020

Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 121 Johnson Astr – 121 Johnson Astr – 122 Schombert
Astr – 123 Frey Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 122 Schombert Phys – 101 Noeckel
Phys – 101 Noeckel Astr – 123 Schombert Phys – 153 Smith
Phys – 152 Livelybrooks Phys – 155 Noeckel Phys – 199 Parthasarathy
Phys – 251 Yu Phys – 162 Thiel Phys – 203 Ursell
Phys – 252 McMorran Phys – 191 Kribs Phys – 253 McMorran
Phys – 391 Belitz Phys – 202 Strom Phys – 352 Corwin
Phys – 391 Torrence Phys – 252 McMorran Phys – 353 Corwin
Phys – 410 Aleman Phys – 290 Smith Phys – 391 Majewski
Phys – 414 Chang Phys – 352 Corwin Phys – 410 van Enk
Phys – 424 Allcock Phys – 353 Corwin Phys – 432 Torrence
Phys – 510 Aleman Phys – 401 Boggs Phys – 481 Farr
Phys – 610 Parthasarathy Phys – 415 Chang Phys – 510 van Enk
Phys – 610 Belitz Phys – 425 Allcock Phys – 581 Farr
Phys – 631 Steck Phys – 431 Torrence Phys – 610 Chang
Phys – 634 Cohen Phys – 491 Boggs Phys – 614 Paulose
Phys – 661 Kribs Phys – 492 Boggs Phys – 623 Belitz
Phys – 493 Boggs Phys – 633 Steck
Phys – 601 Boggs Phys – 666 Cohen
Phys – 612 Paulose
Phys – 610 Farr
Phys – 622 Belitz
Phys – 632 Steck

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2019 Syllabi

Fall 2019

Winter 2019

Spring 2019

Summer 2019

Astr – 121 Schombert Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 121 Johnson
Phys – 171 Ursell Astr – 123 Johnson Astr – 122 Schombert
Phys – 181 van Enk Phys – 101 Noeckel Phys – 153 Scannell
Phys – 199 Phys – 202 Jenkins Phys – 171 Ursell
Phys – 201 Johnson Phys – 202 Strom Phys – 203 Jenkins
Phys – 351 Corwin Phys – 205 Scannell Phys – 206 Scannell
Phys – 401 Boggs Phys – 252 McMorran Phys – 253 McMorran
Phys – 410 Farr Phys – 290 Jeanty Phys – 290 Livelybrooks
Phys – 412 Yu Phys – 352 Parthasarathy Phys – 353 Corwin
Phys – 414 Chang Phys – 410 Frey Phys – 410 Farr
Phys – 491 Boggs Phys – 411 Aleman Phys – 410 Wang
Phys – 492 Boggs Phys – 425 Smith Phys – 422 Frey
Phys – 493 Boggs Phys – 431 Torrence Phys – 510 Farr
Phys – 510 Farr Phys – 410 Bothun Phys – 510 Wang
Phys – 601 Boggs Phys – 491 Boggs Phys – 633 Steck
Phys – 610 Belitz Phys – 510 Bothun
Phys – 611 Paulose Phys – 610 Belitz
Phys – 631 Steck Phys – 622 Belitz
Phys – 634 Cohen Phys – 632 Steck
Phys – 661 Kribs Phys – 665 Cohen

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2018 Syllabi

Fall 2018

Winter 2018

Spring 2018

Summer 2018

Astr – 121 Johnson Astr – 121 Fisher Phys – 152 Cohen
Astr – 122 Fisher Phys – 162 Livelybrooks Phys – 153 Taylor
Astr – 123 Schombert Phys – 171 Parthasarathy Phys – 203 Jenkins
Phys – 152 Livelybrooks Phys – 202 Jenkins Phys – 290 Majewski
Phys – 155 Noeckel Phys – 290 Corwin Phys – 353 Ursell
Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Phys – 410 Farr Phys – 422 Corwin
Phys – 181 Raymer Phys – 413 Majewski Phys – 432 Steck
Phys – 201 Jenkins Phys – 431 Steck Phys – 491 Boggs
Phys – 204 Scannell Phys – 491 Boggs Phys – 610 Belitz
Phys – 251 McMorran Phys – 510 Farr Phys – 610 Parthasarathy
Phys – 290 Corwin Phys – 610 Belitz Phys – 614 Belitz
Phys – 391 Torrence Phys – 622 Belitz Phys – 622 Belitz
Phys – 410 Aleman Phys – 623 Belitz Phys – 623 Belitz
Phys – 412 Majewski Phys – 632 Chang Phys – 633 Chang
Phys – 424 Smith Phys – 662 Potter (Brau)
Phys – 481 Farr Phys – 665 Kribs
Phys – 510 Aleman
Phys – 581 Farr
Phys – 610 Belitz
Phys – 611 Paulose
Phys – 622 Belitz
Phys – 631 Steck
Phys – 634 Cohen
Phys – 661 Kribs

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2017 syllabi

Fall 2017

Winter 2017

Spring 2017

Summer 2017

Phys – 155 Noeckel Astr – 121 Johnson Astr – 121 Schombert Phys – 201 Griffith
Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 122 Fisher Phys – 202 Peck
Phys – 201 Jenkins Astr – 123 Schombert Astr – 123 Brau Phys – 205 Benegas
Phys – 201 Taylor Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Phys – 155 Corwin
Phys – 251 Torrence Phys – 162 Livelybrooks Phys – 202 Scannell
Phys – 290 Corwin Phys – 202 Jenkins Phys – 203 Jenkins
Phys – 410 Ursell Phys – 205 Scannell Phys – 290 Majewski
Phys – 412 Majewski Phys – 252 Torrence Phys – 353 Ursell
Phys – 414 Cohen Phys – 290 McMorran Phys – 391 Johnson
Phys – 424 Smith Phys – 352 van Enk Phys – 432 Steck
Phys – 481 Farr Phys – 362 Ursell Phys – 491 Boggs
Phys – 491 Boggs Phys – 410 Ursell Phys – 610 Belitz
Phys – 510 Ursell Phys – 408 Rebar Phys – 610 Parthasarathy
Phys – 581 Farr Phys – 415 Cohen Phys – 622 Belitz
Phys – 631 Chang Phys – 431 Steck Phys – 623 Belitz
Phys – 491 Boggs Phys – 633 Chang
Phys – 508 Rebar
Phys – 510 Ursell

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2016 Syllabi

Fall 2016

Winter 2016

Spring 2016

Summer 2016

Astr – 121 Johnson Astr – 121 Haydock Astr – 122 Schombert Astr – 123 Schombert
Astr – 122 Brau Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 123 Chang Phys – 152 Jenkins
Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 122 Schombert Phys – 101 Shahir Phys – 201 Griffith
Phys – 201 Jenkins Phys – 101 Corwin Phys – 162 Parthasarathy Phys – 202 Peck
Phys – 201 Taylor Phys – 102 Bijan Phys – 203 Jenkins Phys – 203 Micklavzina
Phys – 204 Scannell Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Phys – 432 Steck Phys – 204 Peck
Phys – 412 Majewski Phys – 202 Jenkins Phys – 622 Belitz Phys – 205 Benegas
Phys – 414 Cohen Phys – 205 Peterson Phys – 623 Belitz Phys – 206 Scannell
Phys – 424 Smith Phys – 252 Torrence Phys – 633 Noeckel Phys – 410 Boggs
Phys – 611 Noeckel Phys – 290 McMorran
Phys – 631 Chang Phys – 301 van Enk
Phys – 634 Kribs Phys – 352 Chang
Phys – 362 Ursell
Phys – 391 Livelybrooks
Phys – 401 Boggs
Phys – 415 Cohen
Phys – 431 Steck
Phys – 491 Boggs
Phys – 601 Boggs
Phys – 622 Belitz
Phys – 623 Belitz
Phys – 662 Majewski
Phys – 665 Kribs

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2015 Syllabi

Fall 2015

Winter 2015

Spring 2015

Summer 2015

Astr – 121 Haydock Astr – 121 Fisher Astr – 123 Brau Phys – 152 Jenkins
Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 121 Haydock Phys – 101 Shahir Phys – 201 Griffith
Astr – 123 Chang Astr – 122 Brau Phys – 203 Jenkins Phys – 202 Peck
Astr – 123 Schombert Astr – 123 Schombert Phys – 203 Micklavzina Phys – 204 Peterson
Phys – 101 Shahir Phys – 102 Shahir Phys – 253 McMorran Phys – 205 Benegas
Phys – 152 Steck Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Phys – 290 Majewski
Phys – 201 Jenkins Phys – 162 Deutsch Phys – 353 Deutsch
Phys – 201 Taylor Phys – 171 Ursell Phys – 422 Corwin
Phys – 290 Majewski Phys – 202 Jenkins Phys – 401 Boggs
Phys – 351 van Enk Phys – 205 Peterson Phys – 432 Steck
Phys – 391 Livelybrooks Phys – 252 McMorran Phys – 491 Boggs
Phys – 412 Majewski Phys – 290 Majewski Phys – 492 Boggs
Phys – 491 Boggs Phys – 352 Chang Phys – 493 Boggs
Phys – 631 Noeckel Phys – 391 Livelybrooks Phys – 508 Rebar
Phys – 408 Rebar Phys – 601 Boggs
Phys – 411 Aleman Phys – 610 Parthasarathy
Phys – 415 van Enk Phys – 610 Chang
Phys – 425 Gregory Phys – 666 Kribs
Phys – 431 Steck
Phys – 491 Boggs
Phys – 492 Boggs
Phys – 493 Boggs
Phys – 508 Rebar
Phys – 515 van Enk
Phys – 632 Noeckel
Phys – 665 Kribs
Phys – 685 Raymer

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2014 Syllabi

Fall 2014

Winter 2014

Spring 2014

Summer 2014

Astr – 121 Haydock Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 123 Schombert
Astr – 123 Schombert Astr – 122 Schombert Astr – 123 Schombert Phys – 152 Jenkins
Phys – 101 Shahir Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Phys – 153 Taylor Phys – 202 Peck
Phys – 152 Steck Phys – 163 Deutsch Phys – 155 Corwin Phys – 204 Peterson
Phys – 171 Parthasarathy Phys – 202 Jenkins Phys – 171 Parthasarathy Phys – 205 Benegas
Phys – 199 Parthasarathy Phys – 202 Micklavzina Phys – 203 Jenkins Phys – 206 Koupil
Phys – 201 Jenkins Phys – 252 McMorran Phys – 206 Peterson Phys – 301 Bothun
Phys – 201 Taylor Phys – 290 Majewski Phys – 253 McMorran
Phys – 204 Peterson Phys – 352 Chang Phys – 290 Majewski
Phys – 251 McMorran Phys – 391 Livelybrooks Phys – 353 Deutsch
Phys – 290 Majewski Phys – 411 Aleman Phys – 391 Livelybrooks
Phys – 351 Corwin Phys – 413 Haydock Phys – 407 Vandegrift
Phys – 414 van Enk Phys – 415 van Enk Phys – 417 van Enk
Phys – 491 Boggs Phys – 431 Steck Phys – 422 Haydock
Phys – 610 Brau Phys – 491 Boggs Phys – 432 Steck
Phys – 610 Chang Phys – 612 Belitz Phys – 491 Boggs
Phys – 611 Belitz Phys – 613 Belitz Phys – 507 Vandegrift
Phys – 631 Noeckel Phys – 662 Brau Phys – 610 Brau
Phys – 634 Kribs Phys – 665 Kribs Phys – 633 Noeckel
Phys – 684 Raymer Phys – 685 Wang Phys – 666 Kribs

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2013 Syllabi

Fall 2013

Winter 2013

Spring 2013

Summer 2013

Astr – 122 Schombert Astr – 121 Johnson Astr – 122 Brau Phys – 201 Griffith
Astr – 199 Fisher Astr – 122 Fisher Astr – 122 Johnson Phys – 204 Peck
Phys – 101 Shahir Astr – 123 Schombert Astr – 123 Fisher
Phys – 152 Steck Phys – 102 Shahir Envs – 350 Bothun
Phys – 156 Parthasarathy Phys – 157 Raymer Phys – 101 Majewski
Phys – 162 Deutsch Phys – 161 Peterson Phys – 153 Taylor
Phys – 201 Jenkins Phys – 171 Corwin Phys – 171 Corwin
Phys – 201 Taylor Phys – 202 Jenkins Phys – 203 Jenkins
Phys – 204 Peterson Phys – 202 Micklavzina Phys – 206 Shahir
Phys – 251 McMorran Phys – 202 Shahir Phys – 253 McMorran
Phys – 290 Peterson Phys – 205 Livelybrooks Phys – 290 Moore
Phys – 351 Corwin Phys – 252 McMorran Phys – 350 Bothun
Phys – 412 Haydock Phys – 290 Moore Phys – 353 Deutsch
Phys – 414 van Enk Phys – 352 Corwin Phys – 410 Belitz
Phys – 481 Gregory Phys – 391 Torrence Phys – 410 Bothun
Phys – 491 Boggs Phys – 411 Haydock Phys – 417 Desh
Phys – 581 Gregory Phys – 415 Soper Phys – 425 Steck
Phys – 611 Belitz Phys – 424 Steck Phys – 510 Belitz
Phys – 612 Belitz Phys – 425 Steck Phys – 510 Bothun
Phys – 613 Belitz Phys – 610 Brau Phys – 610 van Enk
Phys – 614 Belitz Phys – 611 Soper Phys – 623 Chang
Phys – 631 Noeckel Phys – 613 Belitz Phys – 633 Noeckel
Phys – 634 Chang Phys – 614 Belitz
Phys – 661 Brau Phys – 618 Strom
Phys – 684 Wang Phys – 622 Chang
Phys – 632 Noeckel
Phys – 632 Soper
Phys – 672 Wang

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2012 Syllabi

Fall 2012

Winter 2012

Spring 2012

Summer 2012

Astr – 121 Haydock Astr – 121 Haydock
Astr – 122 Schombert Astr – 121 Schombert
Phys – 101 Shahir Phys – 102 Imamura
Phys – 152 Steck Phys – 157 Raymer
Phys – 155 McMorran Phys – 171 Parthasarathy
Phys – 156 Parthasarathy Phys – 203 Jenkins
Phys – 162 Deutsch Phys – 253 Torrence
Phys – 201 Taylor Phys – 414 Belitz
Phys – 204 Livelybrooks Phys – 415 Belitz
Phys – 251 Torrence Phys – 417 Belitz
Phys – 290 Moore Phys – 422 Noeckel
Phys – 351 Frey Phys – 425 Steck
Phys – 354 Corwin
Phys – 414 Strom
Phys – 481 Gregory
Phys – 581 Gregory
Phys – 610 Kribs
Phys – 611 Soper

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2011 Syllabi

Fall 2011

Winter 2011

Spring 2011

Summer 2011

Astr – 123 Schombert Astr – 122 Schombert Astr – 121 Brau
Phys – 101 Hsu Astr – 123 Brau Astr – 123 Schombert
Phys – 152 Raymer Phys – 155 Raymer Phys – 102 Hadley Schoene
Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Phys – 201 Livelybrooks Phys – 153 Taylor
Phys – 162 Deutsch Phys – 202 Jenkins Phys – 171 Parthasarathy
Phys – 201 Jenkins Phys – 399 Livelybrooks Phys – 203 Jenkins
Phys – 201 Micklavzina Phys – 411 Haydock Phys – 203 Micklavzina
Phys – 204 Livelybrooks Phys – 411 Parthasarathy Phys – 206 Jenkins
Phys – 251 Torrence Phys – 412 Noeckel Phys – 253 Torrence
Phys – 290 Frey Phys – 413 Noeckel Phys – 353 Kevan
Phys – 351 van Enk Phys – 431 Frey Phys – 413 Noeckel
Phys – 354 Corwin Phys – 441 Parthasarathy Phys – 422 Noeckel
Phys – 412 Noeckel Phys – 612 Belitz Phys – 432 Frey
Phys – 414 Belitz Phys – 613 Belitz Phys – 610 Steck
Phys – 415 Belitz Phys – 685 Steck Phys – 611 Belitz
Phys – 417 Belitz Phys – 633 Soper
Phys – 631 Soper
Phys – 634 Kribs

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2010 Syllabi

Fall 2010

Winter 2010

Spring 2010

Summer 2010

Astr – 121 Haydock Astr – 123 Brau Astr – 122 Schombert Phys – 204 Micklavzina
Astr – 121 Schombert Phys – 155 Raymer Astr – 123 Brau
Astr – 123 Bothun Phys – 162 Parthasarathy Phys – 102 Kevan
Astr – 123 Imamura Phys – 205 Livelybrooks Phys – 153 Taylor
Phys – 101 Jenkins Phys – 252 Frey Phys – 161 Parthasarathy
Phys – 152 Steck Phys – 252 Strom Phys – 203 Jenkins
Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Phys – 290 Remington Phys – 253 Frey
Phys – 201 Micklavzina Phys – 352 Noeckel Phys – 290 Remington
Phys – 201 Taylor Phys – 415 van Enk Phys – 353 Noeckel
Phys – 204 Livelybrooks Phys – 631 Soper Phys – 411 Strom
Phys – 251 Torrence Phys – 632 Soper Phys – 417 van Enk
Phys – 253 Frey Phys – 634 Kribs Phys – 432 Gregory
Phys – 290 Remington Phys – 662 Brau Phys – 610 Torrence
Phys – 351 Frey Phys – 685 Steck Phys – 633 Soper
Phys – 354 Corwin Phys – 686 Steck
Phys – 412 Noeckel
Phys – 414 Deshpande
Phys – 424 Wang
Phys – 481 Gregory
Phys – 524 Wang
Phys – 610 Brau
Phys – 610 Csonka
Phys – 611 Belitz
Phys – 631 Soper
Phys – 671 Cohen
Phys – 684 Raymer

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2009 Syllabi

Fall 2009

Winter 2009

Spring 2009

Summer 2009

Astr – 122 Schombert Astr – 121 Haydock Astr – 121 Haydock
Astr – 123 Zimmerman Astr – 122 Brau Astr – 123 Schombert
Phys – 201 Taylor Astr – 123 Schombert Phys – 155 Raymer
Phys – 204 Livelybrooks Astr – Schombert Phys – 199 Parthasarathy
Phys – 290 Remington Phys – 102 Hsu Phys – 203 Linke
Phys – 351 F09 Phys – 121 Haydock Phys – 206 Jenkins
Phys – 414 van Enk Phys – 155 Steck Phys – 253 Frey
Phys – 451 Gregory Phys – 162 Parthasarathy Phys – 290 Remington
Phys – 481 Gregory Phys – 202 Micklavzina Phys – 352 Noeckel
Phys – 610 Cohen Phys – 202 Sokoloff Phys – 353 Noeckel
Phys – 610 Csonka Phys – 205 Livelybrooks Phys – 353 Deutsch
Phys – 631 Soper Phys – 252 Frey Phys – 399 Torrence
Phys – 661 Brau Phys – 290 Remington Phys – 417 van Enk
Phys – 684 Raymer Phys – 352 Deutsch Phys – 422 Noeckel
Phys – 354 Raymer Phys – 432 Gregory
Phys – 399 Torrence Phys – 517 van Enk
Phys – 411 Imamura Phys – 610 Steck
Phys – 413 Noeckel Phys – 623 Csonka
Phys – 425 Wang Phys – 633 Soper
Phys – 431 Gregory Phys – 666 Kribs
Phys – 525 Wang
Phys – 612 Belitz
Phys – 619 Torrence
Phys – 632 Soper
Phys – 655 Kribs

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2008 Syllabi

Fall 2008

Winter 2008

Spring 2008

Summer 2008

Astr – 121 Haydock Phys – 155 Steck Astr – 121 Haydock
Astr – 122 Schombert Phys – 252 Frey Astr – 122 Schombert
Astr – 122 Jenkins Phys – 290 Strom Astr – 123 Zimmerman
Phys – 152 Steck Astr – 321 Imamura
Phys – 161 Parthasarathy Phys – 101 Hsu
Phys – 201 Micklavzina Phys – 155 Bothun
Phys – 201 Taylor Phys – 199 Schombert
Phys – 204 Livelybrooks Phys – 203 Jenkins
Phys – 251 Linke Phys – 203 Linke
Phys – 251 Torrence Phys – 252 Frey
Phys – 290 Remington Phys – 253 Frey
Phys – 351 Deutsch Phys – 353 Parthasarathy
Phys – 410 Raymer Phys – 354 Raymer
Phys – 414 van Enk Phys – 390 Gregory
Phys – 424 Wang Phys – 417 Deutsch
Phys – 481 Gregory Phys – 426 Wang
Phys – 524 Wang Phys – 432 Torrence
Phys – 581 Gregory Phys – 526 Wang
Phys – 607 Frey Phys – 633 van Enk
Phys – 631 Soper Phys – 688 Steck
Phys – 634 Kribs
Phys – 671 Cohen

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2007 Syllabi

Fall 2007

Winter 2007

Spring 2007

Summer 2007

Phys – 201 Jenkins Astr – 122 Zimmerman Astr – 121 Haydock
Phys – 251 Kribs Phys – 155 Raymer Astr – 122 Brau
Phys – 290 Strom Phys – 162 Micklavzina Phys – 101 Livelybrooks
Phys – 202 Livelybrooks Phys – 103 Hsu
Phys – 205 Livelybrooks Phys – 203 Sokoloff
Phys – 252 Frey Phys – 203 Jenkins
Phys – 290 Remington Phys – 206 Jenkins
Phys – 390 Livelybrooks Phys – 253 Frey
Phys – 352 Parthasarathy Phys – 290 Remington
Phys – 415 Deutsch Phys – 354 van Enk
Phys – 431 Torrence Phys – 410 Linke
Phys – 481 Gregory Phys – 432 Torrence
Phys – 581 Gregory Phys – 619 Strom
Phys – 618 Strom Phys – 665 Kribs
Phys – 634 Kribs Phys – 686 Steck
Phys – 685 Steck

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2006 Syllabi

Fall 2006

Winter 2006

Spring 2006

Summer 2006

Astr – 121 Haydock Astr 121 – Imamura Astr 121 – Haydock
Astr – 121 Zimmerman Astr 121 – Haydock Astr 123 – Zimmerman
Astr – 122 Schombert Astr 122 – Zimmerman Phys 103 – Kevan
Phys – 101 Torrence Phys – Schombert Phys 153 – Taylor
Phys – 152 Raymer Phys – 162 Micklavzina Phys 202 – Sokoloff
Phys – 161 Kevan Phys 202 – Jenkins Phys 203 – Noeckel
Phys – 199 Jenkins Phys 205 – Livelybrooks Phys 203 – Sokoloff
Phys – 201 Jenkins Phys 252 – Frey Phys 206 – Livelybrooks
Phys – 204 Livelybrooks Phys 252H – Deutsch Phys – 353 Remington
Phys – 251 Frey Phys 290 – Torrence Phys 253 – Frey
Phys – 251 Linke Phys 352 – Remington Phys 290 – Torrence
Phys – 290 Remington Phys 355 – Raymer Phys 318 – Soper
Phys – 351 Parthasarathy Phys 390 – Torrence Phys 353 – Remington
Phys – 355 van Enk Phys 410 – Linke Phys 390 – Livelybrooks
Phys – 414 Deutsch Phys 411 – Haydock Phys – 425 Steck
Phys – 631 Kribs Phys 415 – Datta Phys 432 – Torrence
Phys – 684 Steck Phys 424 – Steck Phys – 525 Steck
Phys 431 – Strom Phys 663 – Kribs
Phys 515 – Datta
Phys 524 – Steck
Phys 631 – Kribs
Phys 632 – Kribs
Phys – 685 Steck

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2005 Syllabi

Fall 2005

Winter 2005

Spring 2005

Summer 2005

Astr 121 – Zimmerman Astr 121 – Brau Astr 121 – Haydock
Astr 121 – Haydock Astr 121 – Schombert Astr 122 – Brau
Astr 122 – Imamura Astr 122 – Zimmerman Astr 123 – Schombert
Astr 122 – Schombert Phys 102 – Kevan Astr 123 – Zimmerman
Phys 101 – Deshpande Phys 155 – Deutsch Phys 101 – Kevan
Phys 152 – Jenkins Phys 162 – Micklavzina Phys 153 – Taylor
Phys 161 – Kevan Phys 202 – Livelybrooks Phys 155 – Raymer
Phys 199 – Zimmerman Phys 205 – Livelybrooks Phys 203 – Jenkins
Phys 201 – Taylor Phys 252 – Frey Phys 203 – Sokoloff
Phys 204 – Livelybrooks Phys 252 – Linke Phys 206 – Livelybrooks
Phys 251 – Frey Phys 290 – Torrence Phys 253 – Frey
Phys 251H – Linke Phys 352 – Remington Phys 290 – Micklavzina
Phys 290 – Strom Phys 390 – Torrence Phys 290 – Strom
Phys 299 – Bothun Phys 411 – Haydock Phys 353 – Remington
Phys 351 – Remington Phys 424 – Steck Phys 354 – Deutsch
Phys 353 – Remington Phys 431 – Strom Phys 361 – Bothun
Phys 390 – Strom Phys 524 – Steck Phys 390 – Livelybrooks
Phys 414 – Wang Phys 618 – Strom Phys 414 – Wang
Phys 481 – Gregory Phys 685 – Wang Phys 425 – Steck
Phys 581 – Gregory Phys 432 – Torrence
Phys 631 – Kribs Phys 481 – Gregory
Phys 632 – Kribs Phys 525 – Steck
Phys 661 – Brau Phys 581 – Gregory
Phys 619 – Strom
Phys 631 – Kribs
Phys 632 – Kribs
Phys 661 – Brau
Phys 665 – Hsu
Phys 666 – Hsu

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2004 Syllabi

Fall 2004

Winter 2004

Spring 2004

Summer 2004

Astr 121 – Zimmerman Astr 121 – Schombert Astr 121 – Schombert
Astr 122 – Bothun Astr 122 – Zimmerman Astr 122 – Schombert
Astr 122 – Haydock Astr 321 – Bothun & Frey Astr 123 – Zimmerman
Astr 123 – Schombert Phys 155 – Raymer Phys 101 – Livelybrooks
Phys 152 – Deutsch Phys 199 – Schombert Phys 102 – Torrence
Phys 152 – Jenkins Phys 202 – Jenkins Phys 153 – Taylor
Phys 153 – Taylor Phys 205 – Livelybrooks Phys 162 – Micklavzina
Phys 161 – Kevan & Turner Phys 252 – Frey Phys 203 – Jenkins
Phys 162 – Bothun Phys 252H – Linke Phys 206 – Livelybrooks
Phys 199 – Livelybrooks Phys 352 – Remington Phys 253 – Frey
Phys 201 – Taylor Phys 390 – Livelybrooks Phys 390 – Torrence
Phys 204 – Livelybrooks Phys 399 – Zimmerman Phys 399 – Bothun
Phys 251 – Frey Phys 411 – Strom Phys 417 – Cohen
Phys 251H – Linke Phys 632 – Deshpande Phys 422 – Imamura
Phys 290 – Torrence Phys 662 – Brau Phys 432 – Torrence
Phys 311 – Bothun Phys 517 – Cohen
Phys 351 – Remington Phys 522 – Imamura
Phys 390 – Torrence Phys 532 – Torrence
Phys 481 – Gregory Phys 663 – Brau
Phys 581 – Gregory
Phys 610 – Brau
Phys 631 – Deshpande
Phys 665 – Hsu
Phys 666 – Hsu
Phys 684 – Wang

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2003 Syllabi

Fall 2003

Winter 2003

Spring 2003

Summer 2003

Astr 121 – Zimmerman
Astr 122 – Bothun
Astr 123 – Schombert
Phys 152 – Raymer
Phys 201 – Sokoloff
Phys 204 – Livelybrooks
Phys 251 – Frey
Phys 251H – Linke
Phys 351 – Soper
Phys 390 – Livelybrooks
Phys 412 – Imamura
Phys 424 – Deutsch
Phys 431 – Remington
Phys 481 – Gregory
Phys 524 – Deutsch
Phys 581 – Gregory
Phys 610 – Strom
Phys 631 – Deshpande
Phys 661 – Brau
Phys 665 – Hsu
Phys 666 – Hsu