Resources for Researchers
For Researchers: Engaging with PERC
The Pregnancy, Postpartum, and Parenting Engagement Resource Center (PERC) is a unique resource dedicated to supporting research that directly benefits pregnant, postpartum, and parenting individuals with substance use disorders (SUD). Our center provides essential support, training, and consultation to researchers interested in developing inclusive, non-stigmatizing studies that improve treatment engagement and outcomes for parents with SUD.
Data Collective Access
Our Data Collective provides researchers with access to a national participant pool, to assist researchers with recruitment, retention, and community partner connections. The Collective allows researchers to efficiently recruit participants with diverse experiences, enhancing the relevance and impact of studies focused on SUD and parenting. You will be asked to provide a copy of the following materials:
- IRB approved protocol (for review only)
- IRB approved consent form (for review only)
- IRB approved text message script
- IRB approved recruitment email
- Documentation of IRB approval
PERC Resources & Opportunities
PERC Promotion and Network Access
Our PERC has a robust listserv of over 400 researchers and community leaders, and a quarterly newsletter for disseminating updates and research opportunities. Through these networks and input from our Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP), we share resources, research findings, and opportunities for researchers to collaborate and engage.
Investigator Training (in progress)
PERC offers specialized training to ensure all researchers engage thoughtfully with our resources and community. The training, delivered via an asynchronous webinar, covers:
- PERC’s mission and history, including our engagement approach with LEAP.
- Best practices for recruiting and retaining study participants from the Data Collective.
- Guidance on using non-stigmatizing language, including a best practice guide with an engagement fidelity checklist.
Researchers complete a knowledge survey after the training and sign an agreement to meet PERC standards for engagement and LEAP collaboration.
LEAP Consultation (in progress)
The PERC will provide researchers with the opportunity to consult with Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP) members. LEAP provides valuable feedback on research design, recruitment strategies, and effective communication methods for parents with SUD. This consultation fosters meaningful research aligned with the experiences of those most impacted and encourages researchers to prioritize community engagement in future projects. Investigators will complete training and review their materials with PERC before meeting with LEAP to optimize engagement and feedback.
Special Emphasis Panels (SEPs)
PERC offers specialized panels of persons with lived experiences to address unique topics or populations, such as:
- Racial/ethnic equity
- Rural communities
- Fatherhood
- Pregnancy and parenting of young children
- Families affected by child welfare involvement or loss
Investigators are encouraged to consult SEPs for targeted insights when relevant, allowing for more in-depth discussions and tailored research solutions.