Castle Builder

Castle Ball

The object of this game is to throw dodgeballs to knock over opposing team’s castles while simultaneously protecting your own team’s castle from being hit.

  • Separate class into four teams.
  • Divide the gym space into fourths, giving each team a quadrant to defend.
  • Provide each team with six hula hoops and have them create their team castle.
    • Build the castle by placing one hoop flat on the floor. Balance four hoops vertically and lean them toward the center. Secure the four hoops with the sixth hoop horizontally on top.
  • Place soft dodgeballs into the center of the quadrants for teams to collect.
  • The game begins when the music plays!

Agility:  Students will run back and forth in their quadrant keeping their eyes on dodgeballs threatening their castle.

Coordination:  Students will collect dodgeballs and throw them at opposing team’s castles. They will build hand-eye coordination by throwing and catching dodgeballs.

Balance:  Students will take turns being in charge of rebuilding their team’s hula hoop castle. Rebuilding the castle will require patience, balance, and focus before the students switch back to defense mode.

Variations:  You can play Castle Ball with designated offense and defense, assigning who will be throwing and who will be guarding and rebuilding the castle OR allowing all students to play all roles during game play.


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