Punctuality: 7/10
I feel I deserve 7 out of 10 points in this category because I was on time to every lecture and group meeting, but I really messed up my scheduling with my GTF for the resume feedback and I also promised Professor Bramhall I would email him and I failed to do so for a week. I confused the time at which I was to meet with the GTF for the resume feedback with the appointment time of another GTF appointment I had on the same day of the week, but a week prior. Because of this I missed the appointment by 2 hours and had to reschedule. My failure to send an email when I said I would was just me being forgetful. Besides these two instances, I feel I was very punctual this term.
Participation: 10/10
I took every single opportunity to talk and participate in class that I could without being too overbearing. I love interacting with the professor and my classmates during lecture and I feel I always added to the discussion in some way or another.
Respect For Others: 8/10
I knocked a few points off of this category because there were a few instances during group meetings where I would get off topic and joke around and distract others. I don’t feel like I did this too many times, and in my peer evaluations my teammates told me it was rare and they needed something to comment on for improvement, otherwise they wouldn’t have mentioned it. I’m not saying it was justified, but I am saying it wasn’t really that bad, but it happened. That’s why I feel it only warrants 2 points being taken away.
Preparation: 9/10
I always did readings, printed off what we needed to print off, and brought hard copies of group projects t class. I read every reading assignment and was able to discuss them in class. I think I may have messed up on a few blog posts however, so I’m docking myself a point.
Initiative and Motivation: 7/10
With this category, I feel as though I performed to a mediocre level. I only came to office hours once, and my team did most of the project research. I only printed out about 30 surveys to hand out to international students, whereas I feel some of my teammates did much more. That being said, I was always excited to move on with the project, come up with new ideas, explore them, and ultimately craft a final perfected idea that was created by a group that I didn’t know beforehand. I feel my curiosity and willingness to take risks outweighed my slight lack of opportunities taken in this area, so I took off 3 points.
Total: 41/50
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