The proposal is complete. We’re completely done with it. It’s turned in and it looks really really really really good. Now that we’re done with that, we’re moving right on to do… another presentation. There’s just no end. Snarky comments aside, I’m looking forward to this presentation. The first presentation was completely done without any concrete knowledge about our final solution. Now that we’ve been working on this project for a number of weeks, my group is really knowledgeable about the entire project, which should make for a good presentation. However, we did learn in class that a good presentation has a balance of many factors, information being only one of them. There’s also story, passion, emotion, a good hook, and a good conclusion. Hopefully we can work those all in to our presentation. I have faith in us.
In terms of my leadership development plan, I’m still making a conscious effort to not shut people down and think about what they’re thinking and why. At this point I think I’m pretty good at doing both of these things, which pleases me greatly.
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