This Monday we finally presented for the class. It went incredibly well. Li absolutely killed it with her hook and conclusion. Now we’re moving on to writing a first draft for our proposal. It’ll be very interesting to see how we work out how to write a report as a group this weekend. Writing as a group is always really awkward, and it’s way too much for just one person to do. Oh well!
I’ve been doing really well on trying to be inquisitive instead of just shooting down ideas. I think I’ll know when I’ve completely gotten over the habit when I no longer have to make a conscious effort to enable others to act.
In terms of empathy, I’m really beginning to get to know my team mates better in terms of who they are, what they like, and how they act and it’s really helping me get some insight into why they feel the way they do about certain aspects of our group work. I feel like I’m always observing my team whenever we meet while at the same time participating in working on a project with them. It’s really quite insightful.
This week we were instructed to evaluate ourselves in terms of how we’re doing on our team. So far, I think I’m a good team member. I feel as though I really help drive the team towards our goal and really keep everyone on track. I also put forth a lot of ideas and do a good amount of work (in terms of gathering research and creating the material we need). I make sure everyone’s on board with ideas regardless of who has them, always make sure everyone double checks everything, and I play devil’s advocate a lot to see if what we have will actually stand up to scrutiny. I won’t lie, I kind of feel like I have a more dominant leadership style than my other teammates, so I kind of feel like a leader of leaders and that honestly makes me feel uncomfortable. It makes me sort of feel like I’m responsible for everything we do and that my team mates are looking up to me to do well. Maybe that’s just a hunch I have and that’s not true at all, but either way I’m still getting that vibe. Regardless, I feel like I’m doing the best I can to contribute to the team and so far it seems like everyone else is too.
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