Other Resources



PCUN Archives

PCUN archives, in Special Collections of the UO Libraries


Digital Projects

Doing Digital Projects in the Open, UO Libraries Digital Workshop Resources

Scholarship Services

UO Libraries Digital Scholarship Services. The site has many resources created and the team there can consult and guide on specific projects as well

PNW Just Futures Institute

UO Office of Sustainability

Research Compliance Services

Teaching Engagement Program

Teaching Engagement Program (TEP). Existing online guides and resources, as well as hands-on consulting regarding course design including for complementary learning goals related to teaching difference, power, and agency.


Information Services

Information Services (a.k.a., IT). IS can be a useful resource for university technology options and requirements, as well as accessibility information and guidance.

Partnership Resources

RAD Template – Respect in Research: Strategies Worksheet

RAD Template – Respect in Research: Principles and Strategies

RAD Template – User Personas and Stories Co-Interview Worksheet

Engaged Scholarship for Environmental Justice: A Guide.” Chad Raphael, Santa Clara University.

Research University Engaged Scholarship Toolkit

Participatory Action Research at MIT, a PAR focused website including a workbook with resources created by MIT graduate students, overseen by Lawrence Susskind.

PAR Assumptions and Commitments matrix, María Elena Torre.

A range of resources from the Movement Strategy Center, including the Spectrum of Community Engagement to Ownership.

Teaching note: the UO has requirements and limitations around use of digital tools in the classroom.

See the Community-Based Digital Work Projects section section for more information.