Learning Goals



Below are some learning goals that you may adapt to meet your teaching goals and the needs of your community partners. Many of these goals will support courses in meeting the newly-revised methods of inquiry and learning criteria required of University of Oregon’s core education and cultural literacy courses.


Through thoughtful engagement with the course activities and materials, students will be able to:

Develop Social-Emotional Skills in:

  • collaboration, compassion, humility;
  • varying styles of and approaches to leadership;
  • flexibility, adaptability, and meeting partner or communal needs;

Manage a Project

Manage a project, independently or in collaboration with others, from beginning to completion.

Understand Communities

Demonstrate understanding through articulation of the unique challenges and needs of a specific organization or community.

Create Artifacts

Create or contribute to an artifact for use by members of the public or specific communities.


Develop research and/or other skills that use academic abilities for the public good or public use.

Connect Learning

Demonstrate through articulation, writing, or exams the ability to connect academic/classroom learning to practical, e.g. “real world,” contexts and needs.

Build Professional Skills and Abilities, such as:

  • deliver a work product to a client within project specifications;
  • manage time, professional communication, and stakeholder engagement;
  • develop and deliver presentations, hone public speaking skills;
  • conduct field/site research, applied research, data analysis and reporting;
  • create digital or other artifacts, e.g. reports, plans, websites, etc.