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Oregon Saludable busca expandir las pruebas de COVID-19 a las comunidades latinas/o/x desatendidas en todo Oregon. Oregon Saludable, en colaboración con el Consulado de México asistirá a varios sitios en múltiples condados de Oregon e incorporará intervenciones culturalmente adaptadas con la esperanza de mejorar los comportamientos de salud y ver si hablar de experiencias personales cambia la forma de pensar y comportarse de las personas.

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University of Oregon

Prevention Science Institute

The Prevention Science Institute is a multidisciplinary research institute. We focus on understanding human development, preventing behavioral health problems, and implementing effective interventions in community settings.

The Prevention Science Institute at the University of Oregon is a multidisciplinary research institute focused on improving the lives of children, families, and adults through science, outreach, and program delivery. The PSI includes faculty from across the University of Oregon who work together to understand prevention and health promotion through translational science and applied intervention research.

We conduct research from multiple perspectives, including translational research that focuses on interactions between the brain, social context, and behavior; developing, testing, and delivering effective intervention programs; and efficacious ways to disseminate programs into community, agency, and school settings.

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