EBISS, Scaling Up EBISS, and Implementation Science Training Videos

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The following three training videos will allow us to introduce EBISS, Scaling Up EBISS, and Implementation Science

The principal goal of EBISS is the improvement of academic and behavioral student outcomes through the development of district capacity and the efficient use of district and building resources. The Oregon Department of Education and their partners at the Center on Teaching and Learning have provided professional development and technical assistance to Oregon school district leadership teams to implement tiered interventions for academics and behavior since 2007. Through the sustained application of a blended model of Response to Intervention (RTI) district staff is able to meet the academic and behavioral needs of every student in their schools.



Video1EBISS101 from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.

This 12-minute video provides a brief overview of the critical features of EBISS and is an ideal way to introduce EBISS to important stakeholders such as board members or district leadership. You can also view it here.


EBISS Scaling Up 101

Video2 EBISScalingUp101 from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo.

This 36-minute video will provide a deeper look into the critical features of EBISS Scaling Up. Project data will be shared, as well as reflections from a district that has achieved system-wide improvement in student outcomes through the implementation of EBISS. You can also view it here.


Implementation Science 101

This 21-minute video will introduce you to the basics of Implementation Science through the support of The State Implementation and Scaling-up Evidence-based Practices (SISEP). The purpose of SISEP is to help states establish the adequate capacity to carry out effective implementation, organizational change, and systems transformation strategies to maximize the academic achievement and behavior outcomes of students statewide (http://sisep.fpg.unc.edu/about). You can also view it here.

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