April 15th 2014 Follow-up Webinar XI
<—–Previous Webinar Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar XI Coaching Makes a Difference Part 1: Evidence Based Observation and Feedback This Webinar will introduce you to the critical features of evidence based observation and feedback. You will learn strategies and routines…
Resources Used on 04-15-2014, Live Training III
Resources General: American Community Survey: http://www.census.gov/acs/www/ Common Core Standards: http://www.corestandards.org EBISS: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2347 Family Homelessnes: http://www.familyhomelessness.com National Center on Response to Intervention: www.rti4success.org Oregon RTI (OrRTI): http://oregonrti.org/node/74 . Oregon Scaling Up: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=3474 Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Blog: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/oregonscalingupebissblog/ State Implementation & Scaling-up of Evidence-based Practices…
April 15th, 2014 Live Training
Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Live Training III DATE: April 15th, 2014 REGISTRATION TIME: 8:00 AM START TIME: 8:30 AM LOCATION: Eugene Hilton in Eugene, Oregon OTHER DETAILS: Although lunch is on your own coffee and tea will be available. Training Materials: Team Pitch PowerPoint Please have at…
February 5th, 2014 Follow-up Webinar VIII
<—–Previous Webinar Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar VIII Selection Competency Driver This Webinar will review the selection competency driver. Scaling Up EBISS: Selection Competency Driver and its relationship to Performance Assessment from Eugenia Coronado on Vimeo. Handouts: Webinar8.2014_Recruitment Selection Back…
February5th, 2014 Follow-up Webinars
Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar VI Competency Driver This Webinar will review the key components to implementation and their relationship to the competency driver. The competency driver ensures staff has the skills they need to be successful, whether it is…
Resources Used on 02-05-2014, Live Training II
Resources General: EBISS: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2347 National Center on Response to Intervention: www.rti4success.org Oregon RTI (OrRTI): http://oregonrti.org/node/74 . Oregon Scaling Up: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=3474 Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Blog: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/oregonscalingupebissblog/ State Implementation & Scaling-up of Evidence-based Practices Center: http://sisep.fpg.unc.edu/ Tigard Tualatin School District EBIS Handbook: http://www.ttsdschools.org/pages/ttsd/District/Curriculum_Instruction Behavior: Positive…
February 5th, 2014 Follow-up Webinar VII
<—–Previous Webinar Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar VII Coaching Competency Driver This Webinar will review the coaching competency driver. The coaching competency driver ensures staff, whether it is a district administrator or a classroom teacher, get the support they need…
February 5th, 2014 Follow-up Webinar VI
<—–Previous Webinar Oregon Scaling-up EBISS Follow-Up Webinar VI Competency Driver This Webinar will review the key components to implementation and their relationship to the competency driver. The competency driver ensures staff has the skills they need to be successful, whether…