Oregon Law Review is no longer accepting submissions for its current volume, Volume 94.

Thank you for your interest in publishing in Oregon Law Review. Our editorial staff sets itself apart through a personal approach to the editing process. We promise a thorough evaluation of each submission, a rapid turnaround, and a prompt response to each author.

Unsolicited Manuscripts

Oregon Law Review welcomes unsolicited manuscripts. We publish many articles submitted by scholars and practitioners unaffiliated with the University of Oregon School of Law. We encourage an array of cutting-edge scholarly work. We seek well-written and carefully edited articles on legal issues of contemporary significance. Submissions should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015) and The Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed. 2010).  Preference will be given to articles under 25,000 words in length—the equivalent of 50 law review pages—including text and footnotes. Please email submissions to olr@uoregon.edu.

Review Process

We strive to set ourselves apart through our attentive approach to the review and editing process. Our Articles Editors personally review more than 1200 prospective articles each year. Factors used to evaluate submissions include contemporary relevance, novelty, and quality of writing and editing.

Offer of Publication

Authors of accepted articles will be notified with an offer as soon as possible. Once accepted, the article is prospectively placed on the publication calendar, and the author is notified of a proposed publication date. Once an author accepts an offer to publish in Oregon Law Review, we expect that author to withdraw the article from all other law reviews.

Editing Process

After an author accepts our offer of publication, we assign the article to an Executive Editor. Once the executive edit is complete, a Managing Editor takes over to assure a technically superior final product. The Managing Editor leads a team of experienced Associate Editors and is further aided by our talented Staff Editors.

Throughout the process, the Executive and Managing Editors maintain close contact with the author. In our experience, this strong relationship between authors and editors makes the process not just efficient, but also pleasant.

Submission Format

We strongly prefer electronic submissions through ExpressO. Once we receive your manuscript, you should receive an email indicating that ExpressO has received your article; you will not receive an email from an Oregon Law Review member.

We request adherence to the following formatting guidelines when submitting your manuscript:

Double-spaced text
One-inch margins
Times New Roman, 12-pt. font
Complete, single-spaced footnotes
After sending your submission, please feel free to contact our Articles Editors at any time during the review process at olr@uoregon.edu.