Journalism Work

 Just Get Started Ft. Brittney Crawford

  • I interviewed Crawford in 2024 at her home studio. We discussed her story and how she got to where she is today. From doing this interview, I’ve learned how to properly use an audio recorder and how to edit audio sounds in the software Premiere Pro. 

   Vintage Finds You Ft. Eugenia Borkowski 

  • I had the privilege of interviewing Eugenia in her vintage shop, Wild Paisley Vintage. During the interview we explored her passions and what being a small business owner means to her. I recorded the video on an Iphone using a tripod and edited the footage in Premiere Pro. From conducting this interview and I am very familiar with using video editing software. 

Soulful Strands Ft. Nichole Moss

Soulful Strands – Click to Read

  • I conducted a journalistic interview with Moss in 2024 via zoom. Moss is a successful woman of color who recently opened up a small business. Throughout the interview we delved into topics like racial injustices, small business hardships, and overall Moss’ journey to where she is today. From this piece I have gained experience in writing and editing text stories. 

Aragon Alpaca’s Ft. Ann Dockendorf

Ann Dockendorf watches as six of her alpacas enjoy breakfast. Dockendorf owns and lives on an alpaca farm, Aragon Alpacas, located in Eugene, Oregon. Dockendorf often opens her farm to the community, hosting schools, families, special needs children, and many others.
Nearly 20-year alpaca farm owner Ann Dockendorf smiles while admiring her alpacas grazing on the open land at Aragon Alpacas.
Petrus eats his breakfast from a bowl held by owner Ann Dockendorf. Alpacas, Petrus, and Atom eat a special food blend in a separate barn every morning to keep them healthy before interacting with the other alpacas.
Fiver-year-old alpaca, Chaco snacks on pasture grass. Chaco was born on the Aragon farm on May 23, 2019. Chaco is known to be a fearless and independent alpaca.
Ann Dockendorf opens the gate to a barn, releasing two alpacas named Petrus and Atom to roam free. This is one of many chores Dockendorf tends to do in the early mornings at Aragon Alpacas in Eugene, Oregon.
  • I visited Dockendorf’s Alpaca farm and had the privilege of spending the morning with her and capturing her daily chores. This project allowed me to gain valuable skills such as; using Adobe Photoshop, taking and editing journalistic photos, and creating and editing interesting captions. 

Five Makeup Products You Need

Five Makeup Products You need – Click to Read

  • I wrote this piece in 2023 as part of an application I was submitting. I loved this writing style and am exciting to write more pieces like this in the future. 

What Is Sustainable Shopping?

What is sustainable shopping? – Click to Read

  • I wrote this piece as a passion project when first starting my vintage brand. I wanted people who didn’t understand the concept of sustainable fashion to have an outlet to refer to. This piece not only serves as an informational tool but a guide to first time shoppers.