Bette Davis and Her Unique Ideals in the Manipulation of the Male Gaze

A star’s success is mainly dependent on the way they can represent an ideal, whether that be what men want women to be, what women wish they could be or what women relate to the most. Bette Davis is one actress who represents more of what the average woman might relate to, rather than a …

The Star Image and Its Ability to Empower Women

The image of a star is dependent on both their on-screen and off-screen appearance. It is also dependent on the way they play into the male gaze or how they can represent an ideal for men or women. Richard Dyer explains in “Part Two: Stars as Images” that “Star images function crucially in relation to …

Marilyn Monroe and How She Used the Male Gaze to Empower Women

Marilyn Monroe: a house-hold name, a fashionista, an award-winning actress, a sex icon and so much more. She is a multi-faceted actress that is often misunderstood as surface level or is just seen for her looks. This misunderstanding typically comes from men and women who fail to see the way she utilized her body and …