Winter Term

The Coastal Quarter is a chance to live at the Oregon Coast, learn about coastal and marine issues through experiential, field-based classes, and earn a full quarter of academic credit.

All students will take the same courses that integrate coastal knowledge across disciplines.

Application Process

For more information and to apply, please visit Oceans & Ice Lab.

Costs and Logistics

The only additional costs to this program include room & board, which are estimated to be $4500. This will cover lodging at OIMB and all meals at the dining hall. Partial scholarships are available to help defray these costs.

For more info or questions, please contact Maya Watts or Dave Sutherland or visit the website listed above.

ANTH 444 Seacoast in Prehistory (4 quarter hour credits)
Instructor: Scott Fitzpatrick

This course examines coastlines from a variety of perspectives using archaeological case studies from around the world, touching on subsistence strategies, the rise of sociopolitical complexity, trade and exchange systems, and ecological adaptations and impacts.

BI 457 Marine Environmental Issues (4 quarter credits)
Instructor: Aaron Galloway

A survey of the current issues that influence marine environments at local and global scales, including global climate change, conservation, fisheries, habitat alteration, introduced species, and pollution in the marine environment.

ERTH 410 (BIO 410/ENVS 400) Coastal Environmental Science (4 quarter credits)

This course introduces students to the science underlying environmental issues that coastal communities face today through lectures, field trips, and analysis of real-world data from a range of scientific disciplines.

J377 Science of Science Communication (4 quarter credits)
Instructor: Hollie Smith

This course will address the challenge of communicating science to other scientists, policy makers, funders, and the public, exploring various different models of science communication.

BI 407 Seminar on Coastal Practitioners (1 quarter credits)

A one-credit seminar class exploring careers of coastal practitioners through guest lectures.