
The Northwest NPPA Short Course will be held June 24-26, 2016, at the University of Oregon Turnbull Center in Portland, Oregon.
This three-day event features speakers, panelists and instructors from the Northwest region of the National Press Photographers Association relevant to professionals and students in the field of visual journalism. Learn from and network with leading visual journalists.  Choose from a variety of lectures and workshops relating to storytelling, multimedia, lighting, drones and more.  Get your portfolio reviewed by award winning editors and photographers. Sign up for the Portland Polaroid Shootout for fabulous prizes.

The Northwest NPPA Short Course was created in collaboration between National Press Photographers Assn. and the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon.

Main Registration Site

The event is free for current UO students. Go to the link below to register with your student email and ID#.

UO Student Registration




Eric Sander

Eric Sander

Eric Sander is a photojournalist for King TV in Seattle, Washington. He is the northwest regional chair for NPPA. Sander has eleven nominations and four Emmy’s in two regions, including a News Photographer Nomination from the Midsouth Chapter in 2011. He has twelve First Place Awards from the North Carolina Associated Press, including Best Photography in 2011 and was North Carolina Photographer of The Year in 2010.


Sung ParkSung Park

Sung Park is an Instructor of Photojournalism/Multimedia at the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon in Eugene. He is also Co-Director of the Multimedia Masters in Journalism in Portland at the Turnbull Center. He was a Fulbright Scholar to Ghana in 2013 where he trained students and professionals in visual journalism. Sung has been a coach at the NPPA Multimedia Immersion Workshop and is co-director of the Story Arc Workshop in Portland. He has 14 years of professional experience as a news photographer, editor and multimedia producer. spark@uoregon.edu