Final Blog Post: The pressing issues in Siberia

Sidney Stadelmann The most pressing issue in Siberia currently is the Ukrainian-Russian war. From a human rights perspective, the Ukrainian war has resulted in numerous human-rights violations for Russians. A series of laws were passed that effectively criminalized criticizing or reporting the war. Russian activists have been exiled, and additional laws have been enacted that …

Korea: a homogeneous culture

Over the centuries, the Korean peninsula has developed as a fairly homogeneous, singular nation with one shared cultural identity. That identity is one largely defined by its location, pinned in between the ancient giant of China and the rising sun of Japan. Korea follows, generally, a traditional Confucian approach to family, with a close-knit patriarchal …

Most Pressing issue for Mongolia – Post 7

For the presentation I discussed how the most pressing issue in Mongolia was that of the Ukraine war. The Ukraine was very much an issue for all of the world right now. but Mongolia in particular is impacted in many ways by the war. Mongolia is landlocked and sandwiched between Russia and China. This puts …

Genocide and Human Rights in Mongolia

Genocide is by no means new to Mongolia, in the 1930s a genocide of Buddhist Monks took place. The genocide was due to the soviet ties and Stalin’s staunch anti-religious sentiments. These were essentially an extension of the Stalinist purges that occurred across the Soviet Union (Washington Times 2001). It is believed 20000 people died …

International Humanitarian Law In Russia

Sidney Stadelmann November 20th, 2022 International humanitarian law is a set of rules that restricts the means and methods of warfare. It only applies during armed conflicts, and it aims to protect people who are not or are no longer directly involved in war hostilities. However, international humanitarian law failed Rwanda and its citizens. Although …

humanitarianism china

International humanitarianism failed because not everyone’s culture is the same, and something that one person might think is wrong, someone else might think is okay. The USA should not have intervened; having a “police force” of the USA doing what they want without others having a say is not good; there should be comities and …

Ethnocentrism in Mongolia

Human rights in Mongolia have long been an interesting issue, and in general they are viewed as being a much more democratic and fair country than their neighbors China and Russia. While they do deserve that reputation, Mongolia still seems to struggle with issues of human rights, and the pandemic brought to light what some …

Ethnocentrism in china

  China has hundreds of languages and more than fifty recognized ethnic groups. In this massive nation, there was racial fighting historically, the Mongols invading and taking over hundreds of years ago, wars between north and south china, and the silk road, all examples of ethnic struggles in ancient china. Currently, the most populated ethnicity …

Ethnocentrism in Russian Siberia

Sidney Stadelmann- November 3, 2022 Ethnocentrism is the concept that individuals and cultures will view themselves and their environment from the perspective of their own culture. Consequently, this view leads people to see their own cultural values and beliefs as “better than”, and to associate differences in culture with being lesser or inferior. These ideologies …