humanitarianism china

International humanitarianism failed because not everyone’s culture is the same, and something that one person might think is wrong, someone else might think is okay. The USA should not have intervened; having a “police force” of the USA doing what they want without others having a say is not good; there should be comities and the like overseeing. Many say that China is currently having a humanitarian crisis with the Uighurs, either called a genocide, mass-incarceration, or some think it doesn’t exist. While the public in china feels that human rights are very important. The lawmakers in china, however, have been removing many of the nation’s human rights clauses, resulting in a lack of legislation keeping people safe. While China has human rights in its ideals, the “Asian human rights” argument exists; some believe that individualism is less important and, therefore, the freedom of speech is less important. The Chinese public and citizens are still people with empathy and beliefs for rights for all, and they should not be dismissed as evil or wrong. The average Chinese citizen lacks knowledge about what is going on with Uighurs, and if they learn what they are taught, it is western propaganda. The human rights violations are not because they are evil or even because they have wildly different ideas about equality, but instead a lack of knowledge about these topics.






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