Upcoming deadline for UO Graduate School Awards

Applications for the following Graduate School Awards are due this Friday, February 21st:

  • Betty Foster McCue Scholarship
  • Donald and Darel Stein Graduate Student Teaching Award
  • Gary E. Smith Summer Professional Development Award
  • Margaret McBride Lehrman Fellowship
  • Margaret Wiese Graduate Research Award
  • Southeast Asian Studies Award
  • University of Oregon Doctoral Research Fellowships
  • UO Public Impact Graduate Fellowship

Visit the Graduate School website for more information: https://gradschool.uoregon.edu/funding-awards

Wayne Morse Project Grants

Each year the Wayne Morse Center offers grants to UO faculty as Resident Scholars, graduate students as Dissertation Fellows, and UO and community groups in the form of Project Grants.  The faculty and grad student awards are open to people doing work on our theme Media and Democracy or any public policy topic.  Project Grants are designed to support projects related to the theme of Media and Democracy.

The Project Grant procedure and information can be found at the following link, and applications are due January 29 for the 2014-15 academic year: http://waynemorsecenter.uoregon.edu/grants-and-faculty-support/


Scholarships for Digital Arts and Humanities PhD program, University College Cork

University College Cork invites applications for the first round of scholarships in the four-year structured PhD programme in Digital Arts and Humanities (DAH) co-ordinated with an all-Irish university consortium. Applications for early acceptance are due March 15: http://www.hastac.org/opportunities/digital-arts-and-humanities-phd-scholarships-university-college-cork-ie?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+hastac%2Fopportunities+%28HASTAC+Opportunities%29

Data Curation Workshop Series

The National Endowment for the Humanities is sponsoring a series of workshops on Data Curation.  Applications for the third (and final!) workshop in Boston are due Jan. 31, 2014, and limited funding is available.  See more information on the series at http://www.dhcuration.org/institute/ and find application details at http://www.dhcuration.org/institute/apply/