FemTechNet Network Gathering @ the 19th annual Allied Media Conference
June 15-18, 2017
Do you lead technology or feminist focused courses, workshops, activities, or actions on your campus or in your community? Or are you interested in being involved with intersectional feminist media-based practice in your community — be that in your neighborhood, your local education center, or in other more formal educational and higher learning institutions?
Since 2013, FemTechNet (FTN) has organized, coordinated, and documented a distributed, open, collaborative course on the topic of feminism and technology. The work of maintaining this network has become the focus of our research, as well as our media, teaching and learning practices. In response to the precarious (be they financial, emotional, physical, spiritual, ideological) positions most of our members inhabit, and the inherent challenges of doing this work, we operate in a horizontal committee structure to prioritize the fair distribution of labor.
FTN aims to be an artist or activist collective that strives for mutual care and kick-ass projects that get done based on the interest and energy of participants. We also aim to provide a supportive community for the difficult work of feminist pedagogy. We invite you to build with us, so that we may support each other and create online spaces that value ethics, care, reciprocity, safety and privacy at their core. If this sounds interesting to you or if you’ve worked with FTN in the past and want to be a part of reshaping its future, fill out an application and join us at AMC2017!