Big Data & Collaboration Conference, Duke University

Big (and messy) Data & Collaboration Workshop & Conference
A Workshop Sponsored by HASTAC, the NSF EAGER Grant team, and the Duke University PhD Lab on Digital Knowledge

May 28, 2014
10:00am – 4:00pm
Ph.D Lab, Garage, C107
Duke University

The National Science Foundation awarded HASTAC the EAGER grant to allow for extensive data mining of HASTAC data. The website includes over 200MB in SQL tables with individual and institutional information of scholars. HASTAC is also an academic social network site and the data allows for various forms of visualization, text, spatial, and content analysis. We are now completing the first year of the grant and we would like to share the preliminary results of the project “Assessing the Impact of Technology-Aided Participation and Mentoring on Transformative Interdisciplinary Research: A Data-Based Study of the Incentives and Success of an Exemplar Academic Network.”

Together with researchers from the U.S. and abroad, we are holding a workshop to discuss the use of computational analysis, data extraction, and social networking analysis to investigate the interplay between scholarly communication and academic networks. This workshop is sponsored by HASTAC, the NSF EAGER grant team, and the Duke University PhD Lab on Digital Knowledge. We are inviting researchers interested in the impact of scholarly networks to cross-disciplinary, multi-institutional research and who are interested in discussing the analysis of big (and sometimes messy) data in academic, collaborative settings. If you are interested, save the date and make sure to register on Eventbrite.

See a detailed conference schedule here

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