Q: Who can legally buy marijuana?

A: Adults 21 years and older


Q: Where can I buy marijuana?

A: You can buy marijuana at businesses who sell it, many of which won’t be open and running until next year (2016)


Q: How much marijuana can I buy?

A: You can buy up to one ounce of marijuana


Q: How much marijuana can I have in my home?

A: You can have up to eight ounces of marijuana in your home and up to one ounce outside your home


Q: How much marijuana can I grow in my home?

A: You can grow up to four plants in your home


Q: Who regulates marijuana?

A: The State of Oregon with sensible rules and regulations


Q: How are police spending their time on marijuana?

A: They are able to focus more on violent crimes such as unsolved murders, untested rape kits, missing children and drug cartels


Q: Is driving under the influence of marijuana illegal?

A: Yes, just like drinking and driving, being under the influence of marijuana while driving is illegal and you will be arrested

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