- Every 48 minutes, someone is arrested for marijuana related crimes in Oregon
- 90% of marijuana related crimes involve less than 1 ounce of Marijuana
- Since legalization, Washington has generated $4.7 million in new marijuana excise tax revenue for the state and is estimated to generate $25 million by the end of the year
- Colorado generated $17.2 million in the first year of legalization
- 847,865 Oregonians voted yes on Measure 91.
- 145,710 petition signers put this better approach to marijuana on the ballot.
- Over 52,000 Facebook fans supported the Yes on 91 campaign online.
- More than 50,000 people subscribed to the Yes on 91 email list.
- More than 2,000 volunteers spent more than 10,000 hours to help win Measure 91.
- 15 newspapers editorial boards, 7 public safety and justice groups, 4 civic groups, 3 labor groups and 3 racial justice groups and many others endorsed Measure 91.