Kari Marie Norgaard
Professor Norgaard (B.S. Biology Humboldt State University 1992, M.A. Sociology Washington State University 1994, PhD Sociology, University of Oregon 2003) is a Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies at the University of Oregon. Dr. Norgaard trained as a postdoctoral fellow in an interdisciplinary IGERT Program on Invasive Species at University California Davis from 2003-2005 and from there joined the faculty as Assistant Professor at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA from 2005-2011. She joined the University of Oregon faculty in 2011. Over the past ten years Dr. Norgaard has published and taught in the areas of environmental sociology, gender and environment, race and environment, climate change, sociology of culture, social movements and sociology of emotions. She currently has two active areas of research:
1) work on the social organization of denial (especially regarding climate change), and
2) environmental justice research with the Karuk Tribe on the Klamath River.
Both of these areas of scholarship have been nationally recognized through the award of research grants, speaking invitations, and coverage of research by high profile media outlets including the Washington Post, National Geographic, British Broadcasting System, and National Public Radio. Her most recent book, Salmon and Acorns Feed Our People: Colonialism, Nature and Social Action, is now available for purchase: http://bit.ly/2WThteW
Her book Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions and Everyday Life came out with MIT Press in the Spring of 2011. Norgaard is the recipient of the Pacific Sociological Association’s Distinguished Practice Award for 2005.
Research Interests
- tribal environmental health
- race and environment
- gender and environment
- climate change denial
- emotions and social movements
Teaching Areas
- environmental sociology
- environmental justice
- climate change
Selected Publications
Brulle, Robert and Kari Marie Norgaard 2019 “Avoiding Cultural Trauma: Climate Change and Cultural Inertia”Environmental Politics pp 1-23
Norgaard, Kari Marie 2018 “The Sociological Imagination in a Time of Climate Change”Environmental Politics pp 1-23
Norgaard, Kari, Ron Reed and JM Bacon 2018. “How Environmental Decline Restructures Indigenous Gender Practices: What Happens to Karuk Masculinity When There Are No Fish?” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 4(1): 98-113.
Norgaard, Kari Marie and Ron Reed 2017. “Emotional impacts of environmental decline: What can Native cosmologies teach sociology about emotions and environmental justice?” Theory and Society 46(6): 463-495.
Willette, Mirranda, Kari Marie Norgaard and Ron Reed 2016. “You Got to Have Fish: Families, Environmental Decline and Cultural Reproduction”Families, Relationships and Societies 5(3): 375-392.
Honors and Awards
2019 Sociology of Emotions Recent Contribution Award, American Sociological Association
2019 Fred Buttel Distinguished Contribution Award, Environmental Sociology Section of American Sociological Association
2018 “Examining the effects of climate change on American Indian uses of forests, habitats and resources in Pacific Northwest and Northern California” With Frank Lake, Kathy Lynn and Jonathan Long, Northwest Climate Science Center
2018 Chair, Section on Environmental Sociology, American Sociological Association
2017 Fund for Faculty Excellence Award, University of Oregon
2017 Climate Adaptation Planning, Department of Energy on behalf of Karuk Tribe
2017 PG and E Resilient Communities on behalf of Karuk Tribe