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NAS Research Colloquium: “Oregon Indian History Student Research Presentations”

Nov 14, 2017, 12:00 pm1:30 pm

Native American Studies Research Colloquium
Tuesday, November 14, 12:00-1:30pm
Many Nations Longhouse
This colloquium will feature undergraduate and graduate research from ES399 “Oregon Indians” taught in Spring 2017 by Jennifer O’Neal (Grand Ronde)
The students presenting include:
Talon Claybrook (Creek-Seminole): “Edward S. Curtis The Rookie: The Illusion of the ‘Vanishing Race’ and What Native Artists Think About It”
Samantha Smith: “Oregon History IS Native American History: The Struggle for SB13”
Kaylee Jenness-Ardt (Grand Ronde): “Biodiversity in Modern Native Identity”