James Corrick: Fall 2022 Comic Book Showcase


My comic story is about a guy named Jackson having his 18th birthday and getting his superpowers. While it may be a My comic follows the journey of an Indigenous Australian man whose life was heavily affected by the Indigenous Removal Act that spanned from the early to mid-1900s. The story begins with his removal and ends with the reunion of him and his mother. My goal for the comic was to bring light to a historical period that many people don’t know about, and share a story that others may be able to relate to, no matter their background. My ENG 280 class allowed me to think broader about the meaning of a comic, and how there’s no “right” way to create a story. I then used a horizontal layout, one that isn’t common to comics, and used a simplistic art style in order to make the comic less individual but broader so that it could apply to a lot more “journies” than just the one on the page.

Video Showcase

Comic Book Project

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