Emma Ruddy: Fall 2020 Comic Book Showcase


My comic book addresses the importance of climate change and using your voice to influence other individuals and the surrounding community. Three young boys recognized that their small town had an immense amount of smoke rolling in from wildfires caused from an abnormally dry season and heavy wind. They live in a small town and decided to bring attention to the ways this can be prevented, and how society as a whole can work towards slowing down climate change. I hope that readers will recognize that putting effort into making an impact is important, and it is okay to branch out of your comfort zone in order to do good for your environment. The courses English 280 and Art 101 allowed me to develop useful skills on how to create panels and layouts for a comic book of my own and create a narrative that addresses contemporary social issues while still telling a story. My short story shows how crucial it is for this younger generation to spread awareness and be educated on the world around us.

Video Showcase

Comic Book Project

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